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Season 4 Bug/Glitch Thread


All-Star 1
I meant before playing the event, i force close the game, open again and able to continue without crashing. So far this workaround is working for me. Though i have to click ‘play again’ instead of ‘continue’ every completion but its fine as it is quicker in draining my stamina.
Yeah I can confirm this is helping as well. Basically just playing down stamina all at once instead of mixing in other events.


Rookie 2
The game crashes when you play a full game (any game lvl campaigns 2 on 2) then switches to a drill game. So after a full game play the Larry bird to crash instead of a stamina game


Rookie 2
I played a score 3 basket then a express game. Seems to work. So it's not all full games. But it's definitely when you play a game then a drill. I just don't know which. So to be safe play all drills frost. Then play games.
Can be other way around. Will not crash


Rookie 3
The game crashes when you play a full game (any game lvl campaigns 2 on 2) then switches to a drill game. So after a full game play the Larry bird to crash instead of a stamina game
Yeah, they didn’t bother to fix it. But hey, you get 250 stamina as an apology, so all is good, right?


Rookie 1
Lockdown event today does not recognize my steals, blocks, OR wins. Yeah I know it costs no stamina but my time is valuable also.

I used to look down on the "game sucks I quit" YAGEing but maybe I was wrong as I am starting to feel it also. Especially after no fix and insufficient compensation.

I definitely will not spend any more real $$$ on this and honestly I really wanted to grab that 4X allstar pack as it is a fantastic deal -- but I can't support this with my cash until it works or until they treat players fairly.

I'll get off my soapbox now. Hope everyone has a good day.


All-Star 3
Lockdown event today does not recognize my steals, blocks, OR wins. Yeah I know it costs no stamina but my time is valuable also.

I used to look down on the "game sucks I quit" YAGEing but maybe I was wrong as I am starting to feel it also. Especially after no fix and insufficient compensation.

I definitely will not spend any more real $$$ on this and honestly I really wanted to grab that 4X allstar pack as it is a fantastic deal -- but I can't support this with my cash until it works or until they treat players fairly.

I'll get off my soapbox now. Hope everyone has a good day.
Ya that particular event is glitched. U need 2 steals and 2 blocks and the win is what I have heard


Rookie 1
Youve got it equipped and Doncic is in the lineup? No dice?

Yep. It doesn't show the boost with Doncic on the bench like the rest of the boost players, it doesn't show it included in the player boost show on the events. All I got for 12 bucks is seeing Doncic run around in stupid looking clothes.


Rookie 1
Here are pics, showing Doncic with the style equipped, Doncic on the bench, total boost with Doncic, Beal in for Doncic, and total boost increasing.


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All-Star 1
I can't scout opponent teams in lvl. Only can see the default team
Very annoying. What do you mean by default? I’ve heard some see Ultimate. In my case I see Street with no way to change it. It was broke before update but there were workarounds. Now nada


Rookie 3
Very annoying. What do you mean by default? I’ve heard some see Ultimate. In my case I see Street with no way to change it. It was broke before update but there were workarounds. Now nada
Haven’t updated mine yet. But appear that lineup will be locked to the last lineup you used? Going to screw if it was locked on your weakest one.


Rookie 1
Haven’t updated mine yet. But appear that lineup will be locked to the last lineup you used? Going to screw if it was locked on your weakest one.

You're not locked in to which lineup you can use, but the "default" lineup is the only one you can scout your opponent and see the matchup.


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