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Season 4 Bug/Glitch Thread


Pro 2
If anything they will just give us 10 elites to make up for the 10 in the event. But since everything is giving away BF cards.... 🤷‍♂️


Rookie 1
Knowing EA it won’t get fixed till tomorrow and we are probably going to get a pro pack for our troubles. I’m done with this shit.


Rookie 1
Does their Twitter say anything about it yet? Can’t check myself since they still have me blocked for pointing out their whitewashing of black players.
what was this?

absolute joke they charging 10k cash for a washed up Melo!! that combined with them screwing up the event tokens is a classic EA day!

i emailed them & they came back with some cookie cutter response :

Thank you for contacting EA help. My name is Tushar and I would be assisting you with NBA Live Mobile.

I see that Christmas campaign is giving away gold black Friday tokens. I know it is bothersome. Please do not worry, we are here to address your concern to the best of our knowledge.

I would like to inform you that we are receiving the similar contacts and many of the customers are facing the same issue. Its a known issue. Good thing is that, this has been brought into the notice of our Studio Team and we are diligently investigating to fix it as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.

I would request you to wait for some time till this gets though. I know nobody likes to wait but rest assured our team is actively working on it and the issue will be addressed on priority, but there is no time frame for a fix yet.

This is to recap, we asked you to wait for some time as this is a known issue and our team is working on it to fix it.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Game is shacking for me after the update anyone else? IAM on Android 9.0 Samsung Galaxy S10 anyone else?
I didn't update yet and never do so before it's forced because it's usually buggy as hell before it's forced


All-Star 1
It says doing this will permanently delete "all files, settings, accounts, databases, etc." Did yours say that too? (If so, I'll go ahead because you obviously didn't lose your account.)
STOP! Make sure you have your account tied to FB, Google Play or Game Center before proceeding. If it's only linked to one device and you don't know your UID then you're toast if you reset.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It says doing this will permanently delete "all files, settings, accounts, databases, etc." Did yours say that too? (If so, I'll go ahead because you obviously didn't lose your account.)
Like batman said make sure it's linked to something besides just your device first then do that and yes it says that for every app that you try to clear the data on but it always remembers my device login but people have lost their account that way so it's always best to be safe first


Rookie 3
I cleared my app data and that fixed it for me
I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game 14 times I've adjust the resolution I've cleared the cache and all game data somewhere between 10 and 12 * it won't play 3 * without shaking and then starts shaking man this sucks it literally make stuff impossible to play I have to uninstall it play three things it starts to shake I have to uninstall it and start over technical support was no help


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game 14 times I've adjust the resolution I've cleared the cache and all game data somewhere between 10 and 12 * it won't play 3 * without shaking and then starts shaking man this sucks it literally make stuff impossible to play I have to uninstall it play three things it starts to shake I have to uninstall it and start over technical support was no help
Then you're just one of the few that got hit harder we have the same phone hardware and software which makes it weirdly random


Rookie 1
The new update that I was forced to download won't run .. Blank screen after startup. Now inhabe float a day. What a joke. Do u people even test ur crap before releasing it? Wow.


All-Star 1
The new update that I was forced to download won't run .. Blank screen after startup. Now inhabe float a day. What a joke. Do u people even test ur crap before releasing it? Wow.
Uninstall/re-install fixed that for me right quick


All-Star 1
Uninstall/re-install fixed that for me right quick
Yeah, I had to do the same on one device but not on the other. Wondering if trying to play and getting the "this app requires an update" triggers something? My other device updated between playing and I didn't even notice.


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