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Season 4 Bug/Glitch Thread


Rookie 1
Will not find me a SD opponent this morning... several tries different lineups. Long wait.

And yet they gave me 2 flash objectives from showdown, which will make my court pass difficult today! Sigh.... hopefully a bit later this morning.

Same experience for me right now: no SD but several objectives... 😤


All-Star 1
Promo events also did not have first wins reset when the timer ran out. Now there's no timer showing on the events. EA being EA.....


Pro 1
Is SD working for you guys? It’s taking forever for it to find me an opponent and there’s an SD objective to meet


Rookie 1
Everyone is experiencing it and I am confident this is one they will address/compensate. If they don't, well, then I am done also. I'm just holding off on playing until this is fixed.

EA if you are reading the easy fix is let BF tokens count as Candy Canes. Then those of us with a few leftover get a little bump! lol...


Rookie 3
Everyone is experiencing it and I am confident this is one they will address/compensate. If they don't, well, then I am done also. I'm just holding off on playing until this is fixed.

EA if you are reading the easy fix is let BF tokens count as Candy Canes. Then those of us with a few leftover get a little bump! lol...
Does their Twitter say anything about it yet? Can’t check myself since they still have me blocked for pointing out their whitewashing of black players.


Pro 1
Does their Twitter say anything about it yet? Can’t check myself since they still have me blocked for pointing out their whitewashing of black players.
Nothing on their Twitter but someone already made a post about it on the “answers ea” thing


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