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Season 4 Bug/Glitch Thread


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Is it too easy to start a Season 4 thread? Is anyone else getting the inbounding glitch? I have had it here times. It cost me Game of the Nighr currency.
Not experiencing that yet but S4 thread is up so I'll move these posts there


Rookie 2
same just happened to me in the warm up event as well.
try pausing
switching camera
switching defense
nothing helps...
had to forfeit


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
maybe it's related to the multi year lineup because it did not happen to me in season or SD
I haven't played with that lineup yet so you're probably right I remember last year there was an issue to start out with the legacy lineup as well
It didn’t happen to me with the multi year lineup on the Tip Off warm up event. I think it’s a problem with the game of the night campaign.

The live events were you to avoid and activate different circles seem heavily cliched.

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
After winning first one,in all other events after opponent score i can't pass ball back and continue with the game...lost around 200 stamina


Rookie 1
I cant change the coach... the game crashes when i try to change the coach. Anyone else experiencing this?


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