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Next Gen & Elevate programs

You have to click the card to see the 82's stats, they haven't fixed it so the real stats show for the comparison.
Ive done that. The 80 & 82 ovr have most stats that are exactly the same but the 80ovr has better stats in some categories and the 82ovr doesnt even have one stat better than the 80.

You have to click the card to see the 82's stats, they haven't fixed it so the real stats show for the comparison.
Ive done that. The 80 & 82 ovr have most stats that are exactly the same but the 80ovr has better stats in some categories and the 82ovr doesnt even have one stat better than the 80.


I agree, the stats are very mediocre to be 2 points higher. I was just saying, in the first pic with the basic stats, the Elevate has higher than what's actually listed.
It sucks, but I think their reasoning for the stats being so mediocre is because it's "free" player. I think that's still a bad deal because you still have to put in the work to raise it from 70-85, and it becomes substantially harder once you get to 81 and beyond. All the stamina required and the coin costs (which are reasonable for the most part) you'd hope you can get a better card than a base 80.
I think they're fine for now. If you're in that 79-80 OVR range like most f2p players then they're useful cards. I've been using 79 OVR Griffin and 82 OVR Grffin on my alt and I've been happy with him. I don't see their stats as a hindrance since everyone is playing with similar cards and the AI just does whatever it wants anyway.

It's a fun program to grind and I look forward to seeing what the future releases are like.


Rookie 1
Anybody else grinding this today feel like golds are dropping more frequently than before?

Do you mean only golds dropping and no elites. If so I agree. I?ve been grinding Elevate along with Harden chapter 2 and I haven?t got an elite since Friday.

Incidentally, I have picked up 3 tokens a couple of times and 4 tokens once in the Harden event which has sped up the grind for 81 OVR


All-Star 1
Anybody else grinding this today feel like golds are dropping more frequently than before?

Do you mean only golds dropping and no elites. If so I agree. I?ve been grinding Elevate along with Harden chapter 2 and I haven?t got an elite since Friday.

Incidentally, I have picked up 3 tokens a couple of times and 4 tokens once in the Harden event which has sped up the grind for 81 OVR

They definitely nerfed the elite token drops in Elevate. I was hitting 3 or 4 per 240 stamina dropped and now I?m hitting 1 every 720 or so.

Haven?t been playing much of the other since we have to wait for elite tokens anyway. I?ve got all the mandatory golds for all 3 and 15/45 for the other gold requirement.


Rookie 1

I?ve lev d up my Elevate Westbrook but it sucks compared to other 85 Westbrook Elevate cards. It makes no sense. Also when training my player two 82 Westbreok & Blake cards cane up at 10,000 training points but then disappeared. What the heck is going on? Am I missing something?


Rookie 1
Sorry if this has been covered but i have a couple of questions regarding the elevate program:

How long does this run for? Is it all season or is there an end date?

I've trained both players to level 81 but am debating if it's worth the coins/stamina to go further. It looks like they can both be trained to 85, does anyone know the costs of training to levels 82 and above? And when i say cost i mean coins, the grind doesn't bother me but i don't see the point of spending tens of thousands of coins to go much further on what seem to be pretty crappy stats so far.


Rookie 1
Yeah the stats are really bad. They're easily grindable F2P elites but i'm sure there are gold players with better stats and the coin costs to increase levels do add up
I think the coin cost from 81 to 82 is a 1K extra difference, but I dont know for sure. Im pretty sure 80-81 was like 6k, and i think it's been going up 1K per since 79 or 80, but I don't remember. It does take a TON of stamina... 82 requires 4600 TP, if 83 requires 6000 then that might be it for me lol.

The stats are definitely nothing spectacular, but the AI on these cards seems to constantly outplay the stats. Maybe my PG (80 Lillard) is just a horrible defender but 82+ Westbrook always destroys me. He is easy to steal from but you still have to time it perfectly most times,.

I was mainly planning to use them for the bench, just to help OVR.


Rookie 2

To a normal nbalm player these 82 Griffin stats are depressing. To a Pistons fan they are downright insulting.

Well, but its early in S3, and IRL season hasn't really started. So I expect the top elite cards to gradually go up to 89- 90 within 5-6 weeks.


Rookie 1
I have managed to level up Westbrook to 84ovr and Griffin to 73. Stats are pretty bad for these cards but on the positive side they are cheap to level up and helpfull in raising team ovr. I estimate total coin cost per player to be between 50k-65k.


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