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Next Gen & Elevate programs


Rookie 1
I never got a Klay event. Drummond twice & Giannis....no Klay. Wtf EA
There was 6 events today. They changed every 4 hours instead of 8. I think Klay is coming up in one minute.

Edit: Nope, Giannis again. Both Klay events must have been earlier.


All-Star 1
So basically we should have a min of 5 elite tokens for each now? And it will be 4 weeks max to complete a Master? I actually have 7 for Klay and 5 for the others. I knew I got one Klay from the regular event but must've been two?!

EDIT: Just remembered today is Klay day so the extra came from his first event.
So basically we should have a min of 5 elite tokens for each now? And it will be 4 weeks max to complete a Master? I actually have 7 for Klay and 5 for the others. I knew I got one Klay from the regular event but must've been two?!

You already got your one elite since it refreshed 2 hours ago? I have and I'm at 6, and never got an extra.


All-Star 1
So basically we should have a min of 5 elite tokens for each now? And it will be 4 weeks max to complete a Master? I actually have 7 for Klay and 5 for the others. I knew I got one Klay from the regular event but must've been two?!

You already got your one elite since it refreshed 2 hours ago? I have and I'm at 6, and never got an extra.

Yeah, I'm an idiot and forgot about the event earlier... :roll:


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief

Has anyone got blank plain paper stack looking token for Drummond...?

That is a placemarker meaning any gold Next Gen gold token is eligible for that spot whenever you see an unspecified token in a set then that means any token from that program of that tier will be eligible


Rookie 1
That is a placemarker meaning any gold Next Gen gold token is eligible for that spot whenever you see an unspecified token in a set then that means any token from that program of that tier will be eligible

Ohhh I see, thank you sir! I thought it was EA just being lazy..
I will definitely take that, these Elite and Gold tokens for this is work and a half to get it anyway.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
That is a placemarker meaning any gold Next Gen gold token is eligible for that spot whenever you see an unspecified token in a set then that means any token from that program of that tier will be eligible

Ohhh I see, thank you sir! I thought it was EA just being lazy..
I will definitely take that, these Elite and Gold tokens for this is work and a half to get it anyway.

You're welcome


Rookie 1
So the costs for training up the elevate cards are looking OK so far.

Level 2-4 cost 100 coins each and level 5 was 500. I'm hoping it doesn't go up too much as the levels advance but i have a feeling it'll get to a point where it's just not worth it
Definitely not sure it's worth it based on the stats as of now. I have 9 more levels left, and unless they increase stats by more than +1 at later levels (doubt it) then these are looking kind of rough to be an 85 rated card.

That said, it's an 85 rated "grind/pay to build" but free at base card.


All-Star 1
Definitely not sure it's worth it based on the stats as of now. I have 9 more levels left, and unless they increase stats by more than +1 at later levels (doubt it) then these are looking kind of rough to be an 85 rated card.

That said, it's an 85 rated "grind/pay to build" but free at base card.

Cheap/Good bench cards if nothing else...


All-Star 1
The card art on the 82s is so much better than the 70s. You can see the maxed stats on the Showdown leaderboard.

Brian1TPB's Blake is Level 16, while LLCOOL's Blake is Level 4. Both at 85, but the level 4 has slightly better stats.

Just typical EA. The "Free" 85 has better primary stats across the board except for Outside Shot. But the "Store" 85 has far better secondary stats aside from rebounding. Makes zero sense.
I'm always interested in how much NBA cash is required for these kind of packs with a 4.4% chance. The offseason movers had a 3.0% chance! I spent well over 500K on just the rep packs and pulled just once. Obviously, you could drop the 500NBA cash and if you're lucky you hit the first one. But if you don't...how many would one need, I wonder? 4.4% isn't much better than 3.0%, after all.


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