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Next Gen & Elevate programs

The first weekly program, Next Gen, drops next Monday.

It will be available on Mon, Wed and Friday. There is a different Master for each day. Klay is Monday, Drummond is Wednesday and Giannis is Friday.

100% grindable. No store content.

The following week, Elevate will launch. It runs on Tue, Thurs and Sat. There is some accelerator content in the store but it is still grindable.

Sunday will be a catch-up day where all events are available.
I'm just reporting what Brian said during Josh's live stream.

There are planning a lot of content for Tip-off and they're currently working on a big Halloween promo.


Pro 1
I'm just reporting what Brian said during Josh's live stream.

There are planning a lot of content for Tip-off and they're currently working on a big Halloween promo.

Oh man, big Halloween promo? Ball-O-Ween was one of my favorite promos of all time. Let?s roll


Rookie 1
Great intel! Thanks for this. Where is all the stamina gonna come from though... :lol:

These to grind for as well as Offseason!!!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
He made it clear here again that nothing has changed about their plans for it luckily


All-Star 1
Thanks for post. Any idea why these pasted tweets aren?t visible in landscape mode on an iPad in Safari? If I rotate to portrait then they show up (just figured this out as I was responding)? Also, once I rotate, it remains visible if I rotate back to landscape...weird.

Edit: adding pics. Initial landscape (not visible), Portrait visible and finally landscape visible:



I hope they put consideration into the leveling aspect. I don't expect to get them fully leveled in a day, or week, but the price is key.


Pro 1
Was this supposed to drop today? There was a maintenance but nothing came from it except the next Movers ladder unlocking


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