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Next Gen & Elevate programs


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Brian said they plan to raise elevate to 95 later this month. Quite the jump but would it kill them to maybe not neglect the program entirely that way they don't have to jump 5 OVR at once? Level 88 cost 40K coins, an increase from 85-87, so I wonder how much they plan to charge for these higher levels....I'm sure some remember when they tried to charge a huge amount for both Embiid and elevate levels.

Personally, I still doubt they actually move it to 95, just sounds too high, but that's what Brian said so it's all I can go off.

Wow this is the first I'm hearing anything about Elevate since late November a 95 Hayward would be very OP because the pack one has some of the highest stats in the game still hopefully it's not too good to be true like some of the other things we were promised but was ditched due to emphasis on promos instead

Yep, he mentioned it here (if you were interested in seeing yourself):


Also mentioned there's gonna be a new elevate SF (only have that Halloween Ingram so far so good for them for finally noticing the need)

Here is where he said he "thinks" they will boost them to 95 later this month. Time will tell if it's true lol


(i don't normally link to any discord but i also know you don't really care about linking there, the whole "grudge" is definitely a 1 way street with him even going as far as censoring our site via the bot lol. so petty)

Yeah I don't really care if it's linked here on that basis but I do care that you need to have a discord account and I assume be part of his channel to view it so it's best to just post a picture so everyone can see it easily


Rookie 2
they kinda have to go up to 95 bc for many higher level players anything less will be obsolete too quickly. Highest current players are 95 and even myself at 92 has 95 players already at certain positions.
they kinda have to go up to 95 bc for many higher level players anything less will be obsolete too quickly. Highest current players are 95 and even myself at 92 has 95 players already at certain positions.

They have to, but they wont. Last time they were increased to match impact players so I'm guessing they will go up to 92-93ovr only like the current impact players.
It's confirmed elevate is up to 95 ovr. Dont know why all these doubts lol. This is not official, but new elevate players will probably go from 80 ovr to 95 ovr.
Wow this is the first I'm hearing anything about Elevate since late November a 95 Hayward would be very OP because the pack one has some of the highest stats in the game still hopefully it's not too good to be true like some of the other things we were promised but was ditched due to emphasis on promos instead

Yep, he mentioned it here (if you were interested in seeing yourself):


Also mentioned there's gonna be a new elevate SF (only have that Halloween Ingram so far so good for them for finally noticing the need)

Here is where he said he "thinks" they will boost them to 95 later this month. Time will tell if it's true lol


(i don't normally link to any discord but i also know you don't really care about linking there, the whole "grudge" is definitely a 1 way street with him even going as far as censoring our site via the bot lol. so petty)

Yeah I don't really care if it's linked here on that basis but I do care that you need to have a discord account and I assume be part of his channel to view it so it's best to just post a picture so everyone can see it easily

Makes sense. I gotta figure out how to screengrab, only know how to do it on mobile. Time to google lol


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Welp they boosted them to 95, kept the TP at 10k and coins at 40k per level, and made an Elevate Covington I'm satisfied


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The base overall for the pack elites is now 92 overall similar to how the original pack elites started at 82 and maxed at 85 (Westbrook and Griffin) and the 92s have better stats than the 82s cards when they're at the same overall


Rookie 1
The base overall for the pack elites is now 92 overall similar to how the original pack elites started at 82 and maxed at 85 (Westbrook and Griffin) and the 92s have better stats than the 82s cards when they're at the same overall

I'm sorry if this has already been answered but which pack is used to get these 92ovr elevate elites and how much does it cost and when does it appear?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The base overall for the pack elites is now 92 overall similar to how the original pack elites started at 82 and maxed at 85 (Westbrook and Griffin) and the 92s have better stats than the 82s cards when they're at the same overall

I'm sorry if this has already been answered but which pack is used to get these 92ovr elevate elites and how much does it cost and when does it appear?

It's the elevate pack the same one we got every Sunday for most of this season in the packs section of the store


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