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Next Gen & Elevate programs


Rookie 1
Is the pack worth it? If EA keeps raising the training limit for these cards they have the potential to be the best cards for ROS


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
92 Whiteside is worse than 82 Whiteside when at the same overall
92 Butler is way better than 82 Butler when at the same overall
92 Hayward is better than 82 Hayward when at the same overall in terms of total stats but worse in key areas

Not sure about Westbrook or Griffin


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Is the pack worth it? If EA keeps raising the training limit for these cards they have the potential to be the best cards for ROS

After they nerfed the pack Whiteside stats when making the jump from 82 to 92 (he didn't play that well to begin with) I'd say that the SGs are the only ones worth it since 92 Griffin only looks ok and Westbrook hasn't been spotted yet but it's up to you if you think they'll increase it further then yes it's worth it but if they stay at 95 then it is still worth it now but not in a couple months so if you don't care about a couple months from now then go for it


Rookie 3
Already maxed my hayward and now starting on whiteside. If the new promo is difficult for f2p i might grind elevate over lunar during TTSS. In a day i am able to grind around 30k so after a week i might able to max out whiteside and ingram (probably griffin as well). All of them are already at 88.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Already maxed my hayward and now starting on whiteside. If the new promo is difficult for f2p i might grind elevate over lunar during TTSS. In a day i am able to grind around 30k so after a week i might able to max out whiteside and ingram (probably griffin as well). All of them are already at 88.

Ingram stops at 88 (89 with basically any boost) he apparently doesn't count for the boost to 95 because he's not a normal elevate card just like the North Pole players
Already maxed my hayward and now starting on whiteside. If the new promo is difficult for f2p i might grind elevate over lunar during TTSS. In a day i am able to grind around 30k so after a week i might able to max out whiteside and ingram (probably griffin as well). All of them are already at 88.

Ingram stops at 88 (89 with basically any boost) he apparently doesn't count for the boost to 95 because he's not a normal elevate card just like the North Pole players

They just forgot to do it, I think. Otherwise, why bump him to 88 with all the others? His max used to be 85 but he also got bumped up lol.


Rookie 3
Thanks stewie, didn't notice that. Maybe will just settle after i finished whiteside and will just play first win. Also, i guess you are right to max elevate players sooner than later so they can be useful in your current lineup rather than being benched or just in secondary lineup in a month or so.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Already maxed my hayward and now starting on whiteside. If the new promo is difficult for f2p i might grind elevate over lunar during TTSS. In a day i am able to grind around 30k so after a week i might able to max out whiteside and ingram (probably griffin as well). All of them are already at 88.

Ingram stops at 88 (89 with basically any boost) he apparently doesn't count for the boost to 95 because he's not a normal elevate card just like the North Pole players

They just forgot to do it, I think. Otherwise, why bump him to 88 with all the others? His max used to be 85 but he also got bumped up lol.

Yeah there's always that possibility


Rookie 3
Brian tweeted last week that 2 wks till SD masters go from 96 to 100.. suspect elevate will follow..
Have over 100 elevate cards sitting.. need space..


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