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Next Gen & Elevate programs


Rookie 2
on discord, someone said that they are going to be updated to 105 in a few weeks along with SD players but dont know if it is verified

that would be gross and save them some some time on doing an update again if at all. 105 is very high and they would be the best players in the game currently. it would also reward dummies like me who still play the events for no good reason.


Pro 1
Thanks for the feedback guys.

105... I guess we’ll have to wait a few more weeks then :rolleyes:

EA could/should give us players an idea of when these upgrades come out.
I delayed upgrading my team for nearly 1 month just because I assumed the Elevate upgrade would shortly follow the SD upgrade. After all, some people invested quite a bit on those cards thinking they would be upgradable. They shouldn’t be left out of the game for so long.


Rookie 1
Like for me I would just want them elevate players to go to 100 for now, then maybe update them to 105 come May or something. I saw a post store elevate Whiteside 95 OVR dated January 20, thats over 2 months ago. Hoping 🙏🏾


All-Star 1
Pipe dream to think they would ever give us an info on what will happen with Elevates. Still pisses me off that they give us new program players all the time & sell them in the store like OOP but neglect to even tell us what players are available. Community has to figure it out. Sheesh


All-Star 1
Ppl ask all the time. It goes unanswered. Idk where Brian went. I think there's another Discord server that he's on but I haven't followed.


All-Star 1
Yeah, the longer it goes without an update, the smaller the chance it ever happens. It'll get too difficult/ costly for anyone to be able to do it.
Having to do all those Elevate events just to complete the daily objective for nothing was ridiculous. Now I have 175 saved packs (opening them will be a problem), 212 gold tokens & 50 elite tokens and im not willing to spend 40k per upgrade for players that are not worth that type of coin. They should at least make it so we can put the tokens in the spring cleaning set if nothing is planned soon. I just wanna trade them in and forget about this program.


Rookie 2
I still have whiteside and covington cards....so yea. But I don't use those anymore. Even Butler & Griffin ones ain't useful anymore.


Rookie 2
If they give up on elevate, after giving up on so many things this year it would be a mess. It makes zero sense to have people playing elevate and having daily objectives calling for 5 elevate and then just quit at 95s. SMH.


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