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On Josh?s instragram he shows the LvL achievements and there is a Kawhi Master that you get for winning 15 tournaments. It?s a 75 OVR but potentially upgradable. There was a 4 week timer on the achievement.


Rookie 1
Do you guys (those who are clued in) mind posting source links to all the GC?s profiles ? or any other player somehow privy to elite/early access? I don?t know who some of these people are, and I?m sure others would appreciate it as well.

Thanks guys!


Rookie 3




Rookie 2
For me, Overall, seems like a MORE prepared launch than S2 ever was. Which is a good thing. Like what I?m seeing so far except for the Pro Packs being NBA Cash now and SD rewarding only the top 100 Finishers.

I just wish that it will be more grindable and that we can still play with the AH. Built a good 105 OVR team in s2 by working the AH so I hope it can still be done with no drastic 35% AH Tax and the likes.


Rookie 3
honestly, the pro packs are trash ATM anyway.. a max 80 overall? eeee

was thinking about the AH tax, we honestly wont know until the hard launch as what the GC's got were pre-loaded on devices and none showed the AH's


Rookie 2
honestly, the pro packs are trash ATM anyway.. a max 80 overall? eeee

was thinking about the AH tax, we honestly wont know until the hard launch as what the GC's got were pre-loaded on devices and none showed the AH's

Yeah I know. Pro Packs don?t seem that Important ATM but towards the end of S2 buying A LOOOOT of pro packs (and getting some elites) earlier in the season and hoarding it on my INVENTORY allowed me to finish and up my OVR near the season?s end.

Remember that Plat exchange set for 10 Elites( pulled multiple 103 and 105 OVR?s) before it was patched later that day by EA. Really helped me complete 107 Harden. And I believe a lot of players bought pro packs for the gold players too...


Rookie 3
there are other packs (dont recall what they are called) which cost coin, so the "pro-pack" per name, may just be a P4P option :)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
honestly, the pro packs are trash ATM anyway.. a max 80 overall? eeee

was thinking about the AH tax, we honestly wont know until the hard launch as what the GC's got were pre-loaded on devices and none showed the AH's

The tax is still 10% it was shown by 4katosh in his live stream several hours ago


Rookie 1
Is Master Embiid going to be capped at 82 OVR for the entire season, or will there be more goals in the Master campaign as the season goes on? 82 seems underwhelming for a master...
Some more info:

AH unlocks at Level 5.

LvL players at launch are 70 OVR McCollum, 72 OVR Jokic and 75 OVR Leonard. League rewards are now Pro Packs instead of LvL tokens.

New content will drop each Thursday. Next week there is a new campaign being launched. Off-season movers will replace the Roolies campaign in 2 weeks.


All-Star 3
I guess till we play for a bit we wont know how it's all going to turn out.. but it looks like they have gone all in in making us use our stamina.. I guess gameplay changes will come later on in the season like last year...
Just hope no lag and crashes..
Only the top 75 in Showdown get an actual Showdown elite atm. The rest of the top 100 get a regular elite. I can't see myself grinding a lot of Showdown this season.
Only the top 75 in Showdown get an actual Showdown elite atm. The rest of the top 100 get a regular elite. I can't see myself grinding a lot of Showdown this season.

Really? So you can be top 100 and end up with a base elite? Man that would suck and kill any joy I had playing showdown.
Showdown prizes will improve during the season. First weeks are very restrictive cause they dont want a lot of people jumping to +83 ovr in the first 2 weeks


Rookie 1
My first impressions are overwhelmingly positive, there?s lots to do. Obviously we?re in training mode because you rarely miss and that will change, but having the one lineup early will give you a competitive team quickly. And thank goodness we can buy pro packs for coins.

This is the best bit, Royalty Lebron now has double clutch and Harden can be triple. it?s a 40 - 50 second refill. Hardens first one is immediate. So glad I left them as starters.


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