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All-Star 1
Game looks nice. I'd rather it looked worse with better gameplay though.

- Stamina reqs are crap. After playing Madden OD, I hoped that stamina would disappear here too. At the very least, stamina reqs need to go away for Showdown. Although there are major issues with Overdrive, I love the fact that I can play for hours if I want. You can't play any basketball in this game if you don't have stamina & that needs to change.

- Rebounding still sucks

- I'm finding a lot of issue with the shot feedback telling me "Contested Shot" when the defender is farther than arms length away from me. If it was merely just something the game told me, that's one thing. But it seems like since the game thinks I'm close to the defender it's causing my shot meter to get smaller, thus hurting my ability to hit the middle of the shot meter.

- Master Embiid.... sweet! But the. I play with him & he kinda sucks. Misses lots of dunks & can't hit a contested (i.e. - low post) shot to save his life. Plus it's expensive to train him. No way am I wasting coin training him when I can't be sure he's even worth it.

- For the love of God, take the servers off-line for a couple days & get rid of Bronze players. Please. Silvers can go too
Looks like the honeymoon is over for this season. Hard to blame the content guys. I'm sure they're not the ones controlling the price of packs and so forth.
Looks like the honeymoon is over on this season. Hard to blame the content guys. I'm sure they're not the ones controlling the price of packs and so forth.

You mean in Asia?? Because Global is being awesome so far. Also, who needs packs when you can snipe rookie golds for 999-1k coins.
Looks like the honeymoon is over on this season. Hard to blame the content guys. I'm sure they're not the ones controlling the price of packs and so forth.

You mean in Asia?? Because Global is being awesome so far. Also, who needs packs when you can snipe rookie golds for 999-1k coins.

How often did you find these for 1k and what AH is that? I haven't seen a gold below 3k

Only works with 70 ovr rookie golds. The bot doesnt tell apart between 70 rookie golds & 70 normal golds

Been working AH for 1 hour & found 3 at 1k-1.2k


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