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Mobile Madness Promo


Rookie 2
It’s catching on. Some guys are clueless. Mostly the ones using 91-93 OVR lineups with bench nerf. Majority of 99’s and 100’s that I face start the quarter by standing in the corner and saying Thanks followed by Good Game. I’d say 70% of the time it works. We’re going to need it tomorrow if EA f’s up this promo with Round 2 of the BS Influencer’s promo. Already confirmed no more blitzes until 3/26. If that’s it no biggie but if they kill store packs and ads we’ve wasted a lot of time for nothing.
Bro, we totally should do the communication system, where a good luck, smiling, Luka means we hold the ball and get a tie


Rookie 2
All my league members are doing hoodie luka when game in arena starts because they go for a draw...4 brackets for free its something that just cant be ignored...personally had 10 matchups today when this happened to me playing non league members so i guess people started to do this so we can all benefit...😎
Btw we are almost 30 in the league,lot of chance to meet us...cheers fellas
Let’s start doing that for all forum members


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Pulled a 16 and a 12 on my accounts separately
I just brought it up to my league like half an hour ago and my admin said he pulled a 16 so they do exist just very rare the best one seems to be the 4 seed because if you rent the players to get the 4 matching then you will get 480 regional brackets of your choice and a 96 Campus Hero instead of a 98 Campus hero and 200 random regional brackets


All-Star 1
I just brought it up to my league like half an hour ago and my admin said he pulled a 16 so they do exist just very rare the best one seems to be the 4 seed because if you rent the players to get the 4 matching then you will get 480 regional brackets of your choice and a 96 Campus Hero instead of a 98 Campus hero and 200 random regional brackets
I was thinking the same thing today.....do they even exist? Seems like it should have a better drop rate considering you have to spend NBA cash to get anything once you have the token.

Then I pulled a 12 seed. 2 random previous promo plauers ( got a couple 92s) and 40 Brackets. Was stoked on the extra brackets. Hopefully I can pull another. The odd thing is that it appears that you can only use each token once. Sooooo, if I get another 12 seed it's worthless??? I don't understand how they coded it. If it's just pure RNG or it can keep track of what you have already pulled.....idk


All-Star 3
Has anyone pulled a seed token I don't think they exist lol
Have been thinking that too .. then the last reset.. 16 in main (pretty useless) and 12 in my alt
Side note.. the 97/98 upgrade set is useful in this promo if u have some coin.. u can pull 99 promo cards which count toward Durant. Got 3 out of the 6 times I did the set


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I was thinking the same thing today.....do they even exist? Seems like it should have a better drop rate considering you have to spend NBA cash to get anything once you have the token.

Then I pulled a 12 seed. 2 random previous promo plauers ( got a couple 92s) and 40 Brackets. Was stoked on the extra brackets. Hopefully I can pull another. The odd thing is that it appears that you can only use each token once. Sooooo, if I get another 12 seed it's worthless??? I don't understand how they coded it. If it's just pure RNG or it can keep track of what you have already pulled.....idk
I pulled a 16 seed like half an hour ago lol wish it was a 4


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Have been thinking that too .. then the last reset.. 16 in main (pretty useless) and 12 in my alt
Side note.. the 97/98 upgrade set is useful in this promo if u have some coin.. u can pull 99 promo cards which count toward Durant. Got 3 out of the 6 times I did the set
Wow that's good to know thanks


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