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May Monthly Masters


All-Star 3
Should I spend cash on one last court pass for 104 Klay or should I save that cash for the next monthly master? Cause I can probably earn a lot of cash even after I buy the court pass
If u can save enough to have 1000 at the statt of next month then, yup go for the 104


Rookie 2
One thing I could since I’ll probably not have at least 1000 cash by June, is still collect a lot of the June master tokens, put them into the high overall sets, and then cash one of them out once I get the cash. (similar to 101 Klay curry set). That way, I’m still collecting the tokens. I think it won’t matter if you have enough cash to buyout one of the monthly master sets as long as you have enough cash before the month ends (if this all makes sense)


Rookie 2
So basically just when the June monthly master drops, I complete the events and objectives and put the tokens into the highest overall master sets and continue to collect the tokens. I wait to collect enough nba cash to buyout one of the high overall sets.


Rookie 2
Hey guys so if a promo says like 1 week and 3 days remaining, does that mean there’s 10 more days to play it or just 9?Assuming you’ve played all you could the current day.( This is for monthly master)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Hey guys so if a promo says like 1 week and 3 days remaining, does that mean there’s 10 more days to play it or just 9?Assuming you’ve played all you could the current day.( This is for monthly master)
If you already finished the stuff for today it would be 10 days left if you didn't then there would be 11 days worth of stuff to do left


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