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May Monthly Masters


All-Star 3
Thanks for this BTW that is the cheapest way to save 120 tokens that would cost you 2400-2800 cash with 12 2 for 1 packs or 4 court passes can't believe I never did this before smfh
I dont think the buy out was this cheap in past months


Rookie 1
Dont do any of the sets till u have 80. Then do the 101 set.
U wont need any bogos /court passes
All right I did maths and realised that you should go for 2 court pass. U won't require BOGO and u will end up saving 100 NBA cash if u don't use 101 direct. The real isssue is after 101. U almost require 258 tokens.

Whereas if u buy 2 court pass tht will cost u 1400 NBA cash.
1) U get 40 elite tokens as reward with daily 200 free stamina as gift.
2) 50 gold from daily objective. Which is
50*14/20=35 elite tokens
3) daily 1 elite token claim
So total equals- 89 tokens from 2 court pass

What I recommend is do usual sets upgrade and buy court pass 2 times.
But complete your daily objectives
Keep 5 99 ovl alll players ready u will upgrade curry or clay to 104 by 30th May.

No need to buy bogo.
Plus. Gold to elite upgrades gives u coins and this date tokens.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
All right I did maths and realised that you should go for 2 court pass. U won't require BOGO and u will end up saving 100 NBA cash if u don't use 101 direct. The real isssue is after 101. U almost require 258 tokens.

Whereas if u buy 2 court pass tht will cost u 1400 NBA cash.
1) U get 40 elite tokens as reward with daily 200 free stamina as gift.
2) 50 gold from daily objective. Which is
50*14/20=35 elite tokens
3) daily 1 elite token claim
So total equals- 89 tokens from 2 court pass

What I recommend is do usual sets upgrade and buy court pass 2 times.
But complete your daily objectives
Keep 5 99 ovl alll players ready u will upgrade curry or clay to 104 by 30th May.

No need to buy bogo.
Plus. Gold to elite upgrades gives u coins and this date tokens.
By putting 80 in the 101 set it will give you 120 tokens for 1500 cash nothing beats that


Rookie 1
Save till u have 80 tokens.. then put them in the steph/klay 101 set (u don't need the 100) .. cash out 1500.. u can reach the 104 in the remaining days..
Dont do any of the sets till u have 80. Then do the 101 set.
U wont need any bogos /court passes

Please help me understand this, because I keep doing the sets every day.
- So don't exchange any Steph or Klay Monthly Master until I reach 80 tokens? If I don't do that, don't I still need to start at 91 Steph/Klay first before I even get all the way to 101 Steph/Klay set?
- Don't you need the previous card to get the next card? How can I skip 100 Steph and still be able to obtain 101 Steph?

Thanks in advance for your guidance.


Rookie 1
Please help me understand this, because I keep doing the sets every day.
- So don't exchange any Steph or Klay Monthly Master until I reach 80 tokens? If I don't do that, don't I still need to start at 91 Steph/Klay first before I even get all the way to 101 Steph/Klay set?
- Don't you need the previous card to get the next card? How can I skip 100 Steph and still be able to obtain 101 Steph?

Thanks in advance for your guidance.
See so far the best method is the same collect 80 tokens put them in 101 curry or clay sets now sin u do not have 100 player to put in set u compensate that by buying that from 1500 NBA cash.
That is the best deal so far. Rest you continue the sets after that.


Rookie 1
Guys, I see from the store that we can spend 700 cash to get 10 tokens with the 7-day court pass. Do you know what would be the daily objectives?

I calculated that I am lacking about 30 tokens to get 102 curry by the end of May. I can spend 200 cash x 2 times to get 10 tokens with the monthly master pack. So I am still 20 tokens short.

I assume that the "0/1" and "0/2" mean I can only claim once and twice respectively for throughout the monthly campaign.

Wonder whether the extra daily objectives will be able to close the gap. If not, it seems I must pay real cash.



Rookie 1
Guys, I see from the store that we can spend 700 cash to get 10 tokens with the 7-day court pass. Do you know what would be the daily objectives?

I calculated that I am lacking about 30 tokens to get 102 curry by the end of May. I can spend 200 cash x 2 times to get 10 tokens with the monthly master pack. So I am still 20 tokens short.

I assume that the "0/1" and "0/2" mean I can only claim once and twice respectively for throughout the monthly campaign.

Wonder whether the extra daily objectives will be able to close the gap. If not, it seems I must pay real cash.


With purchase of court pass u get 20 elite tokens once
And daily 20 gold tokens plus 200 stamina claim
2 Daily objective claims that grant you 50 gold tokens

So to sum up u can get 89 elite tokens with 2 court pass.


Rookie 1
With purchase of court pass u get 20 elite tokens once
And daily 20 gold tokens plus 200 stamina claim
2 Daily objective claims that grant you 50 gold tokens

So to sum up u can get 89 elite tokens with 2 court pass.

Got it, thank you!


Rookie 1
See so far the best method is the same collect 80 tokens put them in 101 curry or clay sets now sin u do not have 100 player to put in set u compensate that by buying that from 1500 NBA cash.
That is the best deal so far. Rest you continue the sets after that.

Will that 100 Klay or Steph be sold for 1,500 NBA cash in the store? When?


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