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May Monthly Masters


Rookie 3
By putting 80 in the 101 set it will give you 120 tokens for 1500 cash nothing beats that
So, if that works, I can get pretty close to both, right?

Two weekly passes gets me one 104
Buying the 101 for 1500 and buying another weekly pass should get me close to the second 104, or at least 103.

What am I missing?


Rookie 3
Thanks for this BTW that is the cheapest way to save 120 tokens that would cost you 2400-2800 cash with 12 2 for 1 packs or 4 court passes can't believe I never did this before smfh
I am sure this is not the case before, at least last season. I think after last season’s larry bird where you can buy out the last set by 1k or 1.5k nba cash they made adjustment on buyouts where you can’t make any advantage over the bogo or weekly passes, i might be wrong though.


Rookie 1
Can i get 104 curry if i play the event daily,complete all objective and also buy that 700 cash every week?


Rookie 1
So, if that works, I can get pretty close to both, right?

Two weekly passes gets me one 104
Buying the 101 for 1500 and buying another weekly pass should get me close to the second 104, or at least 103.

What am I missing?
See if u want both u need 900 tokens, as for one we need 450.
If u buy both 101 then u need 500 tokens after tht to upgrade to 104.

With packs and court pass u can !!!definitely.
You will have to buy 150 token pack / BOGO.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I am sure this is not the case before, at least last season. I think after last season’s larry bird where you can buy out the last set by 1k or 1.5k nba cash they made adjustment on buyouts where you can’t make any advantage over the bogo or weekly passes, i might be wrong though.
The 99 on Pippen and Rodman was 1,500 while the 100 was 2,700 but if you go from the 1,500 101 to the 10k 102 it's a massive difference so it still stood just different stages


All-Star 1
Dont do any of the sets till u have 80. Then do the 101 set.
U wont need any bogos /court passes
Unless you want both. Then (assuming this method is cheapest) it’s another 4 court passes (138 tokens), 80 of which go to the 1500 cash 101 buyout so 192 tokens left (250 needed minus 58 leftover from passes). So you’re 4300 cash in at this point so now it’s likely some combination of bogo Packs and wildcards or another buyout if it’s cheaper...expensive proposition no matter which way you look at it.


All-Star 1
Yeah, I currently have Curry at 100 with a weekly pass running. If I buy another weekly pass, that should get him to 104.

Then, if I spend 1500 cash on the 101 Klay and buy another weekly pass, that should get him to 104 too, right?
No because you can only use the remaining daily tokens to finish one player and even then you’re 5 short. Buying tokens after the 4 passes AND the second 101 buyout is a must. Bogo packs are best deal available but you’ll need 19-20 of them so that’s another 4K cash. All in for both 104’s is 1500x2 + 700x4 + 200x10 = 9800. You might be able to replace a pass with bogo packs but I’m not sure how many you can buy in a month. In any case, 4.5 tokens more plus 1400 stamina for the 100 cash difference makes the pass worth it to me.


Rookie 1
What line up is best for May MM Curry 104?
I am worried that if I choose Sharpshooter line up, that a better card is available in the immediate next Monthly Master or promo


Rookie 2
No money spent you can get 103 master but definitely not the 104. I’ve bought 2 court passes, played all the events, all objectives, and I’m only gonna be able to get the 103 Klay


Rookie 3
What line up is best for May MM Curry 104?
I am worried that if I choose Sharpshooter line up, that a better card is available in the immediate next Monthly Master or promo
I’m keeping him at SS. I don’t really care much for Lockdown, which is my lowest lineup at 101 OVR, and for the Street lineup, Campus Curry is a better shooter with a nice +3 3pt boost for when he gets benched.

I currently have Curry at 102 and at this point I still have him on the bench behind BoLA LeBron, who is my favorite PG of this season so far. I’ve considered going for Klay using NBA Cash, but since I already have 104 Allen from the Live Pass, it doesn’t seem worth it.

The premium Live Passes are just about the only thing in the game that I feel are worth spending actual money on, since they provide incentive to actually play the game, offer diverse rewards and give you at least one or two players that let you be competitive.

I do find it annoying that EA is really inconsistent with which cards are auctionable or not. Given the prices that Signature Allen is going for, I’d gladly sell my 104 Ray Allen for 103 Harden.


Rookie 1
You could have got the 104 if u had read thru the monthly master threads.. with 1500 cash u can get the 104.
with no cash u can only get the 102
Definately , sad for me cauz the time u told this idea I was at 99 curry.
But u deserve trophy for the brilliant idea.


All-Star 1
Anyone played with 104 Klay yet? Curious about SD and lvl gameplay in particular. Haven’t seen any in AH so wondering if guys are keeping him or just gong for Curry?


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