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May Monthly Masters


Rookie 2
Anyone played with 104 Klay yet? Curious about SD and lvl gameplay in particular. Haven’t seen any in AH so wondering if guys are keeping him or just gong for Curry?
I bet he’s great. To get him no money spent you’re just gonna need a lot of saved cash. I’m fine with just 103 Klay


Rookie 2
You could have got the 104 if u had read thru the monthly master threads.. with 1500 cash u can get the 104.
with no cash u can only get the 102
Wait, so I’m 60 out of 100 tokens for the 102 Klay right now. I’m on the 4th day of a court pass I bought. I’ll have enough cash to buy another court pass once my current one is up. Could I potentially get the 104 Klay?


All-Star 3
Yeah, but most people don’t have that many cash so yeah
Most people?.. u got 2 court passes thats 1400 cash.. so for 1500 cash (2 days of waiting) u could have got the 104..
Now ull have to get 3 court passes and a bogo for the 104 (which is possible nms if u save ur cash) i woild suggest instead to save ur cash for the next monthly master of u have no saved cash


Rookie 2
Most people?.. u got 2 court passes thats 1400 cash.. so for 1500 cash (2 days of waiting) u could have got the 104..
Now ull have to get 3 court passes and a bogo for the 104 (which is possible nms if u save ur cash) i woild suggest instead to save ur cash for the next monthly master of u have no saved cash
I “could have” got the 104?


All-Star 1
I “could have” got the 104?
Go back and read this thread over. I could see how you may have missed it the first day or so and spent cash on one pass but you post more than enough to have seen the buyout option well before spending cash on a 2nd pass.


Rookie 2
Go back and read this thread over. I could see how you may have missed it the first day or so and spent cash on one pass but you post more than enough to have seen the buyout option well before spending cash on a 2nd pass.
Ohhhhh!!! Now I get it!!!! 👍👍👍👍 I should’ve saved up tokens and then cashed out on the 101 ☹️☹️☹️☹️ Dammit. I’m so dumb. Well, thanks anyways for reminding me. I’ll be sure to use this method on the next master


Rookie 2
Should I spend cash on one last court pass for 104 Klay or should I save that cash for the next monthly master? Cause I can probably earn a lot of cash even after I buy the court pass


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