Rookie 1
I didn?t know if the master key was only available through the store or if its attainable like every other key when we complete the set. Thanks
Yes, after completing each of the 4 heros you can get the key for that hero. 4 keys + 5 more elites gets you AD...
Don't you have to pay to get the keys tho? I mean can you complete the Kawhi event without spending money? I don't think you can
The easiest way to do it is to build Kawhi, sell him and then use the coins to build Sprewell.
Here?s how the math breaks down if you were to grind every piece of the sets as f2p. Spoiler, it?s very depressing
1 gold = 10 SB, 2 R
1 elite =(25 x 1 gold) + 5 rel = 250 SB + 50 R + 5R
Kawhi = (5 x 1 elite) + 25 SB + 10 R = 1250 SB + 275 R + 25 SB + 10 R
Grand total = 1275 books + 285 relics
Grinding the free event for books costs 20 stam, for a whopping 25500 stam. 10 relics cost 5k gold in store, totaling 142500 gold. And this is JUST for kawhi. if the other sets are the same, you?d have to do this 3 more times plus 5 more elites, and not sure what?s required in the 4th AD campaign
BIG caveat, no one is grinding the whole thing. Exchange sets, bonus packs, first win rewards, campaign rewards, they all contribute to your total. But the moral of the story is, it?s gonna be a long grind on this one.
Please check my maths, I hope I?m wrong.
If you are patient enough, instead of going to 25 gold exchange, use your holloween golds in 15x elite trade up, then use the base elite in elite exchange for holloween elite.