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Is 87 ovr Anthony Davis Grindable?


All-Star 1
Here's my question: if the golds and elites will be different for every room/ hero, then how will the elite exchange work going forward? Is it going to spit out a random elite from a random hero set? Or will it change over to the currently (new) unlocked room? I just thought about this & I don't feel good about it. With the elites I have, I will be able to exchange them & grind the remaining golds to finish AD.....or at least I thought I could. If they completely randomize the exchange, I'm don't see any way I get it done. I'm not dropping a bunch of cash & not wasting the coin I have to mess around with EA old favorite, the CHANCE factor


Pro 1
Here's my question: if the golds and elites will be different for every room/ hero, then how will the elite exchange work going forward? Is it going to spit out a random elite from a random hero set? Or will it change over to the currently (new) unlocked room?

I'm going to assume this - - includes new sets for the elite exchange as well.
Brian's tweet doesn't specify whether there will be a new elite player exchange. There will clearly be a new row for Terror players, which is what Brian seems to be alluding to.

The problem is that you can clearly see the elite nightmare gold exchange has the green "1" on the pack whereas the elite player exchange at the bottom has no number on the pack. So unless there is some form of reroll for the Halloween elites the elite trade-in set is going tp pump out random elites.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
If you listen to that dude, you will lost everything. lol. The key for now is only doing free grinding stuff, and no coins spend on anything. The key set is the same during the tip-off promo and Halloween promo. ^_^ that single set, if you get it. you have all masters for free.

No way to get the keys for free everything takes capital to get a promo master and honestly it is way too early for people to think about promo masters as the AH sucks and saving while making occasionally upgrades is the best way to go early in the season because once there is something big you have the coins to make an impact having an 84 isn't earning you coins it's costing you coins so idk why people insisted on going after Thomas because at that point it cost you tons of coins to get a card worth less then 400k coins and by the time people got an 83 then TO elites no longer sold so a lot of people we're stuck with cards they didn't want to keep simply because the bot was done buying those cards I'd much rather make 1 upgrade with a card I want each promo then lose tons on building a master with heroes I can't sell afterwards which people are apparently interested in doing this promo as well

Wilt and AD are almost free. Thomas is not free but not much profit and sense to go. ^_^

AD isn't free as the cards to help get him don't sell already and Wilt was only free if you did it early enough to do the reroll many times or to sell the hero cards


Rookie 3
@GOGO - are you talking about the gold+ tipoff coach set? I see that it has a good return of elite coaches and if you are able to maximize it, you'll be able to milk from it on the first days of the promo. Find it though just yesterday and elite coaches are currently not selling good in ah. Anyway, this holloween promo is getting more interesting as information continues to come.


Rookie 1
If I've done the math correctly, the best thing to do is to sell NM golds directly at $5k each.

Even if you go for base elite set, it requires 15 NM golds, which can be sold for $75k in total.
But NM elites are not selling. I see some BIN at $51-52k but no one are sniping them at all.

Not to mention the extra costs ($4999 for relics) for converting base elites to NM elites.


All-Star 3
If I've done the math correctly, the best thing to do is to sell NM golds directly at $5k each.

Even if you go for base elite set, it requires 15 NM golds, which can be sold for $75k in total.
But NM elites are not selling. I see some BIN at $51-52k but no one are sniping them at all.

Not to mention the extra costs ($4999 for relics) for converting base elites to NM elites.
I ve been having some difficulty selling Halloween golds
. Anyone else?
Tip off golds still sell though


Rookie 1
Same here. The golds not selling at 5100-5200. I should have set 5000 BIN

Seems like many of us has abandoned Halloween event :roll:


Rookie 1
No way to get the keys for free everything takes capital to get a promo master and honestly it is way too early for people to think about promo masters as the AH sucks and saving while making occasionally upgrades is the best way to go early in the season because once there is something big you have the coins to make an impact having an 84 isn't earning you coins it's costing you coins so idk why people insisted on going after Thomas because at that point it cost you tons of coins to get a card worth less then 400k coins and by the time people got an 83 then TO elites no longer sold so a lot of people we're stuck with cards they didn't want to keep simply because the bot was done buying those cards I'd much rather make 1 upgrade with a card I want each promo then lose tons on building a master with heroes I can't sell afterwards which people are apparently interested in doing this promo as well

Wilt and AD are almost free. Thomas is not free but not much profit and sense to go. ^_^

AD isn't free as the cards to help get him don't sell already and Wilt was only free if you did it early enough to do the reroll many times or to sell the hero cards

Yes, all of our league members know Wilt is free, only by one hero reroll 4 times. And we sold him as soon as we got him. AD is free bcs all elites we need are from elites which we can grind freely everyday. at least 2 elites everyday by a free grinding plan. ^_^


Rookie 1
@GOGO - are you talking about the gold+ tipoff coach set? I see that it has a good return of elite coaches and if you are able to maximize it, you'll be able to milk from it on the first days of the promo. Find it though just yesterday and elite coaches are currently not selling good in ah. Anyway, this holloween promo is getting more interesting as information continues to come.

I am talking about tip-off silvers to gold set. That's the key of 2 promos. My friend. ^_^ This is a present for you and all friends here who like this game. ^_^


Rookie 1
I strongly recommend rerolling Nightmare elites back into tip-off elites if you have been preparing in advance for the next 84 OVR.

It is a nice idea. But not for everyone. Because AD is not picky so just keep that for AD anyway if we have enough elites for other heros. This game is becoming a collecting free elites season. The more free elites we get, the easier the game will be. lol. So good luck.


All-Star 3
I strongly recommend rerolling Nightmare elites back into tip-off elites if you have been preparing in advance for the next 84 OVR.

It is a nice idea. But not for everyone. Because AD is not picky so just keep that for AD anyway if we have enough elites for other heros. This game is becoming a collecting free elites season. The more free elites we get, the easier the game will be. lol. So good luck.

Agree with the point of free elites.. showdown is important for fre elites and rep for the packs..
Just wished the NM golds were selling.. after the tip off promo ends it's going to be tough to earn coin..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Wilt and AD are almost free. Thomas is not free but not much profit and sense to go. ^_^

AD isn't free as the cards to help get him don't sell already and Wilt was only free if you did it early enough to do the reroll many times or to sell the hero cards

Yes, all of our league members know Wilt is free, only by one hero reroll 4 times. And we sold him as soon as we got him. AD is free bcs all elites we need are from elites which we can grind freely everyday. at least 2 elites everyday by a free grinding plan. ^_^

Technically that's not free because you're using an elite and coins to make another elite because the relics/spellbooks/tip off tokens (assuming you're grinding the TO sets)


Rookie 1
AD isn't free as the cards to help get him don't sell already and Wilt was only free if you did it early enough to do the reroll many times or to sell the hero cards

Yes, all of our league members know Wilt is free, only by one hero reroll 4 times. And we sold him as soon as we got him. AD is free bcs all elites we need are from elites which we can grind freely everyday. at least 2 elites everyday by a free grinding plan. ^_^

Technically that's not free because you're using an elite and coins to make another elite because the relics/spellbooks/tip off tokens (assuming you're grinding the TO sets)

If the elites can't sell, I don't think they have any coins value. For us, they are free. ^_^ Stamina to elites, elites to master. not much coins needed. Yes, AD is not free, and AD is the profit or reward we get from free elites.


All-Star 3
Yes, all of our league members know Wilt is free, only by one hero reroll 4 times. And we sold him as soon as we got him. AD is free bcs all elites we need are from elites which we can grind freely everyday. at least 2 elites everyday by a free grinding plan. ^_^

Technically that's not free because you're using an elite and coins to make another elite because the relics/spellbooks/tip off tokens (assuming you're grinding the TO sets)

If the elites can't sell, I don't think they have any coins value. For us, they are free. ^_^ Stamina to elites, elites to master. not much coins needed. Yes, AD is not free, and AD is the profit or reward we get from free elites.

Are u guys using ur 81 elites also in the sets?
Somehow been able to not use them or the hardens till now.. but barring a lot of luck the 3rd or 4th master toward AD is going to be tough without using my 81s..
Coins will be needed though if rerolls come into play /chance


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yes, all of our league members know Wilt is free, only by one hero reroll 4 times. And we sold him as soon as we got him. AD is free bcs all elites we need are from elites which we can grind freely everyday. at least 2 elites everyday by a free grinding plan. ^_^

Technically that's not free because you're using an elite and coins to make another elite because the relics/spellbooks/tip off tokens (assuming you're grinding the TO sets)

If the elites can't sell, I don't think they have any coins value. For us, they are free. ^_^ Stamina to elites, elites to master. not much coins needed. Yes, AD is not free, and AD is the profit or reward we get from free elites.

I've been getting the 80s to sell for 50-70k but anything 81+ is a no go as the piece triples at the least for just a +1 that's something EA has gotta fix but won't anytime soon I'm just doing the set at this point to get 82 Cousins I'm also curious about the KD card and whatever other elites we'll get in this promo I personally don't really have a desire to get AD as the stats don't really pop out and the card art is bad imo


Rookie 1
Yeah if 81 can be sold, I don't mind selling it at 100k or lower.

Make no sense to keep the price cap at 181k! Come on EA! Listen to the people!


Rookie 1
Technically that's not free because you're using an elite and coins to make another elite because the relics/spellbooks/tip off tokens (assuming you're grinding the TO sets)

If the elites can't sell, I don't think they have any coins value. For us, they are free. ^_^ Stamina to elites, elites to master. not much coins needed. Yes, AD is not free, and AD is the profit or reward we get from free elites.

Are u guys using ur 81 elites also in the sets?
Somehow been able to not use them or the hardens till now.. but barring a lot of luck the 3rd or 4th master toward AD is going to be tough without using my 81s..
Coins will be needed though if rerolls come into play /chance
First grinding free 80 elites, I don't use 81+ bcs we got a lot of 80 elites from grinding Tip off and so many pro packs. Everyone in our league has more than 10 elites on bench an also can get 2 free elites at least every day. ^_^


Rookie 1
Technically that's not free because you're using an elite and coins to make another elite because the relics/spellbooks/tip off tokens (assuming you're grinding the TO sets)

If the elites can't sell, I don't think they have any coins value. For us, they are free. ^_^ Stamina to elites, elites to master. not much coins needed. Yes, AD is not free, and AD is the profit or reward we get from free elites.

I've been getting the 80s to sell for 50-70k but anything 81+ is a no go as the piece triples at the least for just a +1 that's something EA has gotta fix but won't anytime soon I'm just doing the set at this point to get 82 Cousins I'm also curious about the KD card and whatever other elites we'll get in this promo I personally don't really have a desire to get AD as the stats don't really pop out and the card art is bad imo
I never sell 80 base elites bcs they give us masters. Our plan is to get the masters for free and for fun. But ofc no one has to do masters. Depends on your need. ^_^ As the captain, my job is to help our members to build good lineups for free and earn coins for free. That's what the golden league means.


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