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Black Friday Elevate Player Set.

I could be buying tokens tomorrow...

the store packs end in a few hours....

Thanks but wouldn?t it be foolish to not have the store packs tomorrow?! Kinda defeats the purpose of bringing all the sets back!

They will definitely have some tomorrow, I'm sure lol. Putting the timer on them is a classic strategy to get people to rush and buy (paired with today being the "last" day for 90s).


Rookie 1
I hope the 90 BF cards sets are back tomorrow. the question is should we get tokens now??

If we get tokens now still not guaranteed 100% if the sets are even back tom for sure...? hmmm


All-Star 1
So ALL the sets & ALL the players are back. Brian kept saying to "wait til tomorrow" when questioned about what was coming next. I have no idea what kind of events or what else they've got coming. Still don't know if I should get more cash to use on Elevate sets before the packs go away. Is there gonna be an easy route to another 90 tomorrow? Sheesh


All-Star 3
So ALL the sets & ALL the players are back. Brian kept saying to "wait til tomorrow" when questioned about what was coming next. I have no idea what kind of events or what else they've got coming. Still don't know if I should get more cash to use on Elevate sets before the packs go away. Is there gonna be an easy route to another 90 tomorrow? Sheesh

Ur spending cash on stamina?


Rookie 3
Staff member
So far, pulled Hayward x3 in a row and 1 Whiteside.

Kept the Whiteside for now instead of tp.


Rookie 3
Staff member
So far, pulled Hayward x3 in a row and 1 Whiteside.

Kept the Whiteside for now instead of tp.

Plan to upgrade whiteside by using Hayward?

I've upgraded Hayward to 85 so far. I'm trying out Whiteside for now, heard good things about his Elevate card. Will attempt to max both by tomorrow but may fall short.

Did they say why?


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