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Black Friday Elevate Player Set.


Rookie 1
What do y'all think is the best set to use the BF tokens on, considering the rumors that these sets won't rotate(will stay until Friday). I'll be able to grind to about 300 tokens by the end of Friday, so everything, except the 90 OVR players, is in question. I'm thinking either 25 token elevate pack, or 300 token legend pack.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I love these packs I already have Hayward maxed but I finally got Whiteside on my main along with about 17k TP in the same pack


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Is it a good idea to do the legend set and open it when better legends come out?

No because it's only 87+ meaning it is more weighted towards 87s so the longer you wait to open it the less the value that the likely legend you pull will have


Rookie 3
Staff member
I've been having similar success with the new packs. Pulled a Butler out of 3 packs ... not too bad.

But yes the 3 Haywards & 1 Whiteside were from the player set before.


Rookie 1
He may be just an 88, but IMO maxed Hayward is the best SG available right now. He is automatic from the corner. Oladipo is close, but Hayward has 4" on him and superior defense and rebounding stats.


All-Star 3
He may be just an 88, but IMO maxed Hayward is the best SG available right now. He is automatic from the corner. Oladipo is close, but Hayward has 4" on him and superior defense and rebounding stats.
Any idea if the 70 ovr maxed to 88 as good as the 82 ovr maxed to 88.. i guess most people who have him maxed to 88 pulled the 82..


Rookie 1
Any idea if the 70 ovr maxed to 88 as good as the 82 ovr maxed to 88.. i guess most people who have him maxed to 88 pulled the 82..

I?d like to know this too.

I was comparing 82ovr Free Elevate Gordon Hayward and 82ovr Elite Elevate Gordon Hayward. The results? As we know, Elite Elevate card has far way better secondary stats than Free Elevate card. But, surprisingly, Free Elevate card has better primary stats which means that Free Elevate card has better "Hidden Stats". I dont know if EA still hiding those hidden stats but all i can say is the Store card has far way better secondary stats and Free card has slightly better primary stats.

P.s. Im sorry for not adding screenshot as my card was upgraded so at this time, i only have 1 card and thats a Free Elevate edition.


Rookie 1
I already have the Store Hayward, Griffin and Butler. I've maxed out the store Hayward to 88, would like a Whiteside. I should have enough BF tokens at the end of the promo to buy 12-13 Elevate Packs. Do you guys think I should do that or get the 87+ Legend?


All-Star 1
If you're gonna get 13 packs hoping for Whiteside, prob better off w Legend instead. But if you can use those packs to max other elevates, it's prob worth it as I'm sure you'll get at least a couple Elite players from that many packs


All-Star 3
I already have the Store Hayward, Griffin and Butler. I've maxed out the store Hayward to 88, would like a Whiteside. I should have enough BF tokens at the end of the promo to buy 12-13 Elevate Packs. Do you guys think I should do that or get the 87+ Legend?
If u have enuf coin, go for the elevates.. thats 4-5 88s.. if not legend


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I already have the Store Hayward, Griffin and Butler. I've maxed out the store Hayward to 88, would like a Whiteside. I should have enough BF tokens at the end of the promo to buy 12-13 Elevate Packs. Do you guys think I should do that or get the 87+ Legend?

You're better off doing the elevate pack because odds are you'll end up with an 87 Archibald which is useless for gameplay and cheap to sell


Rookie 1
thanks for the advice guys, i think ill go for the elevate packs. hopefully i have the same pack luck as you guys


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