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Best WAY to get 83 ovr and 85ovr NP lineup?

For the record this is the easiest way to get a second Master if you went the Korver route. You can train Booker and Prince to 87 to make it cheaper. I made a hash of things by training Chandler which caused me to lose Korver?s boost.



Rookie 3
best way to 88.. is 2 buy your 3rd master while they are cheap
then you also save quite a bit of TP, and coin.. will post once completed ;)


Rookie 1
best way to 88.. is 2 buy your 3rd master while they are cheap
then you also save quite a bit of TP, and coin.. will post once completed ;)

yeah the blitzmas event just made me decide am gonna go for the 88, does anyone have any idea how much TP or OVR will be needed after putting in your 3rd master?
So what should I do with my blitz ornaments? Train my two masters or go for a third? I figure there's more shelf life in a 93 than the AH value of a 90. Whaddaya think?


All-Star 3
So what should I do with my blitz ornaments? Train my two masters or go for a third? I figure there's more shelf life in a 93 than the AH value of a 90. Whaddaya think?

Got all 3.. now similar dilemna.. do i train or not..only training pg13 seems interesting to me.. but thats still a lot of tp and abt 350k coin more..2 minds..
Anyone trained their masters? (Who doesnt have more than 2 mill coin...)
I decided to train Garnett since he was the one I really wanted. I've also heard nothing but good things about him even from people who've pulled Rodman.


Rookie 1
It's too costly to get the 3rd master or train up a master

I'll use the tp for maxing out starters which are useful to my lineups, then focus on Christmas day games tomorrow


All-Star 1
With the rapid price drop, I decided to train all 3. No elite gifts so far and I'm pretty sure I'm destined for the most meaningless 88 possible so I figure 3x 93's will at least be on my bench for a while. I've heard PG13 is the most noticeable improvement once trained FWIW.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
With the rapid price drop, I decided to train all 3. No elite gifts so far and I'm pretty sure I'm destined for the most meaningless 88 possible so I figure 3x 93's will at least be on my bench for a while. I've heard PG13 is the most noticeable improvement once trained FWIW.

I pulled Rodman for PF and don't really have an interest in Oladipo and with Pippen coming I'll get him for SF


All-Star 1
With the rapid price drop, I decided to train all 3. No elite gifts so far and I'm pretty sure I'm destined for the most meaningless 88 possible so I figure 3x 93's will at least be on my bench for a while. I've heard PG13 is the most noticeable improvement once trained FWIW.

I pulled Rodman for PF and don't really have an interest in Oladipo and with Pippen coming I'll get him for SF
Well, these are basically free upgrades with the 10 ornament events. Nothing else to play atm either so...

Edit: By free I meant relative to the choices you mentioned. Those with limited coins may find the couple hundred thousand per player to upgrade a bit steep.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
With the rapid price drop, I decided to train all 3. No elite gifts so far and I'm pretty sure I'm destined for the most meaningless 88 possible so I figure 3x 93's will at least be on my bench for a while. I've heard PG13 is the most noticeable improvement once trained FWIW.

I pulled Rodman for PF and don't really have an interest in Oladipo and with Pippen coming I'll get him for SF
Well, these are basically free upgrades with the 10 ornament events. Nothing else to play atm either so...

Edit: By free I meant relative to the choices you mentioned. Those with limited coins may find the couple hundred thousand per player to upgrade a bit steep.

Well buying a present with a ghost is cheaper then getting and maxing KG so I sold my KG and actually made 98k along with saving the coin cost that comes from training KG


All-Star 1
I pulled Rodman for PF and don't really have an interest in Oladipo and with Pippen coming I'll get him for SF
Well, these are basically free upgrades with the 10 ornament events. Nothing else to play atm either so...

Edit: By free I meant relative to the choices you mentioned. Those with limited coins may find the couple hundred thousand per player to upgrade a bit steep.

Well buying a present with a ghost is cheaper then getting and maxing KG so I sold my KG and actually made 98k along with saving the coin cost that comes from training KG
Assuming you can actually snipe the right present (can be time consuming now that people know which ones are rare) and that Rodman's better for your team (thought you preferred shooting big men) that's a good move.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Well, these are basically free upgrades with the 10 ornament events. Nothing else to play atm either so...

Edit: By free I meant relative to the choices you mentioned. Those with limited coins may find the couple hundred thousand per player to upgrade a bit steep.

Well buying a present with a ghost is cheaper then getting and maxing KG so I sold my KG and actually made 98k along with saving the coin cost that comes from training KG
Assuming you can actually snipe the right present (can be time consuming now that people know which ones are rare) and that Rodman's better for your team (thought you preferred shooting big men) that's a good move.

Oh I do prefer shooting big men but he can shoot well enough and his boosted overall allows me to stay at 90 but use pure shooters around him at lower overalls


Rookie 3
Staff member
I'll be maxing KG & PG with the new events.

As much as I love Iverson, I can't justify $160 for this card.
I am tempted to train PG as well. The coin costs are negligible with the hot base elites and his stats look great. I don?t have any elite presents on this account either and the ghosts don?t interest me that much. My big focus is on Moses Malone. God how I want that card.


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