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Best WAY to get 83 ovr and 85ovr NP lineup?


Rookie 1
Sorry if this has been answered already cant seem to find the exact answer :(

Was wondering if anyone has an advice/suggestion for best way to train your North Pole lineup to 83overall right now i have all starting at 85 overall and all bench at 79overall ONLY leaving me to 82ovr total :/

Thanks in advance!!!
Train two starters to 86 and three starters to 85. Then train the 75 OVR Korver to 80.

After that, put the 90 OVR Master in your lineup and train the remaining 75 OVR bench players to 82. You may also need to train Korver to an 81 to get your OVR to 85.

This info is out of date. It is generally preferable to continue training your starters over your bench.
I should add that using Korver is the best method if you want to get KG or Oladipo first. It doesn?t work if you?re gunning for PG.


Rookie 1
perfect thanks Commond, super useful

shooting for KG first, would like to add PG but will likely encounter patchy signal over holiday travels..


Rookie 1
Train two starters to 86 and three starters to 85. Then train the 75 OVR Korver to 80.

After that, put the 90 OVR Master in your lineup and train the remaining 75 OVR bench players to 82. You may also need to train Korver to an 81 to get your OVR to 85

if you train two starters to 86, the two starters should be Booker and Harris (actually to 87)? or two 86 starters are in any position?

and secondly, what?s the meaning of ?train the remain 75 OVR bench player to 82?? 75 OVR bench players are elite NP players?

and thirdly, the above-mentioned method is also suitable for getting Garnett and George?


Rookie 1
For your second question, yes it?s the 75 OVR NP Elite Bench players as the gold bench players max out at 79.

For your third question, this strategy to get your first and second master ONLY works IF Oladipo or Garnett are your first Master. It doesn?t work if you get PG13 first since the 80/81 Korver would need to stay on your bench to get the second master. Common mentions this in his follow up post above.

I?m wondering about question 1 as well: which 2 should we train to 86? Perhaps one of them is in is either SG or PF? Assuming since you?ll move it to the bench once you obtain either Oladipo or Garnett. And does Harris or Cayley bump up 1 when you get them to 85 since they match the coach lineup?
I believe you should train Harris until he is an 86 OVR (87 with the boost) and one other player.

Yes, the 75 OVR elite bench players.

You should get Garnett and George this way. If you want George first it's better to go the 86, 86, 86, 86, 86 route with a 79 OVR bench.


Rookie 1
much appreciated.
Actually, I wanna get Garnet as my first Master, and then try to get George.
So, still try this way as 86-87-86-90-86 starters with bench 81-81-81-86-81 for 85 ???
much appreciated.
Actually, I wanna get Garnet as my first Master, and then try to get George.
So, still try this way as 86-87-86-90-86 starters with bench 81-81-81-86-81 for 85 ???

You can try any combination you like. A lot depends on whether you want to use the starters in your main lineups once the promo is over. In that case, it makes sense to train them further. But it costs more than training the bench.


Rookie 1
Train two starters to 86 and three starters to 85. Then train the 75 OVR Korver to 80.

After that, put the 90 OVR Master in your lineup and train the remaining 75 OVR bench players to 82. You may also need to train Korver to an 81 to get your OVR to 85

Isn't it 3 86 starters and 2 85?
edit : NVM Gary Harris is technically an 85, hes only boosted to 86 because of coach.


Rookie 1
Train two starters to 86 and three starters to 85. Then train the 75 OVR Korver to 80.

After that, put the 90 OVR Master in your lineup and train the remaining 75 OVR bench players to 82. You may also need to train Korver to an 81 to get your OVR to 85

just curious why Korver and not Chandler or Shroder? it seems that if you want to go for any of the masters it would make more sense to train those not affected by the bench replacement than training Burks, Korver, or Saric, wouldn't it?


Pro 1
Train two starters to 86 and three starters to 85. Then train the 75 OVR Korver to 80.

After that, put the 90 OVR Master in your lineup and train the remaining 75 OVR bench players to 82. You may also need to train Korver to an 81 to get your OVR to 85

just curious why Korver and not Chandler or Shroder? it seems that if you want to go for any of the masters it would make more sense to train those not affected by the bench replacement than training Burks, Korver, or Saric, wouldn't it?

Korver is the 5th piece to prompt more boost from Coach Malone.


Rookie 1
Train two starters to 86 and three starters to 85. Then train the 75 OVR Korver to 80.

After that, put the 90 OVR Master in your lineup and train the remaining 75 OVR bench players to 82. You may also need to train Korver to an 81 to get your OVR to 85

just curious why Korver and not Chandler or Shroder? it seems that if you want to go for any of the masters it would make more sense to train those not affected by the bench replacement than training Burks, Korver, or Saric, wouldn't it?

Korver is the 5th piece to prompt more boost from Coach Malone.

ah i see. now this makes perfect sense to me, thx!


All-Star 3
Do we need to max out all players to get 88?
Any one have an answer for cheapest way to get 88...
Also how come there are no kg/pg/ Oladipo in the ah yet


Rookie 2
Train two starters to 86 and three starters to 85. Then train the 75 OVR Korver to 80.

After that, put the 90 OVR Master in your lineup and train the remaining 75 OVR bench players to 82. You may also need to train Korver to an 81 to get your OVR to 85

For 85ovr

Is training bench to 75 to 82 cheaper / easier than training first 4+1 to 85/86 to 88?


Rookie 1
I should add that using Korver is the best method if you want to get KG or Oladipo first. It doesn?t work if you?re gunning for PG.

Ur da best man!!! I am actually gunning for Oladipo first and KG after so i could maximise Korver on the bench thanks so much man!!

Happy Holidays.


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