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Any news/ideas when next chapter(s) of Harden MVP Campaign is coming out??


All-Star 1
So, any word on if they will change it from 40 Stamina? Or are we just stuck with being able to play the event 6 times at best using all our stamina? I see some people already have the 81 Harden. did they make the Fast Break super duper fast and only cost 10 stamina? 20?

I've checked Brian's twitter, but haven't seen any mention of that...but we didn't see any mention of a new shot meter being chucked into the game, either, so who knows.

Idk what the stamina is for the Fast Break event but it wouldn't even matter. I played Blitz 11 times tonight bc it sucked so I used stamina on other events to make coin.
I could've done it 15 times probably. Butt even if you only got 5 tokens per event, 15 wins gets you 75 tokens minimum. You're sure to get more tokens a few of those times so there ya go.
I got 3 tokens and 2 tokens once each out of 11 wins on Blitz. It's gonna take a while. That's fine anyway bc the card isn't a huge upgrade & we've got a bit til part 3 drops so there's time to finish it, even if it's 1 token at a time.

What they fail to realize is that we need to stay tuned in & when they pull crap like that, it loses our attention. We all wanted Harden & were ready to spend a chunk of time to get him as quickly as possible but now that it's a boring grind....eh, I'm over it. That's not good product management
So, any word on if they will change it from 40 Stamina? Or are we just stuck with being able to play the event 6 times at best using all our stamina? I see some people already have the 81 Harden. did they make the Fast Break super duper fast and only cost 10 stamina? 20?

I've checked Brian's twitter, but haven't seen any mention of that...but we didn't see any mention of a new shot meter being chucked into the game, either, so who knows.

Idk what the stamina is for the Fast Break event but it wouldn't even matter. I played Blitz 11 times tonight bc it sucked so I used stamina on other events to make coin.
I could've done it 15 times probably. Butt even if you only got 5 tokens per event, 15 wins gets you 75 tokens minimum. You're sure to get more tokens a few of those times so there ya go.
I got 3 tokens and 2 tokens once each out of 11 wins on Blitz. It's gonna take a while. That's fine anyway bc the card isn't a huge upgrade & we've got a bit til part 3 drops so there's time to finish it, even if it's 1 token at a time.

What they fail to realize is that we need to stay tuned in & when they pull crap like that, it loses our attention. We all wanted Harden & were ready to spend a chunk of time to get him as quickly as possible but now that it's a boring grind....eh, I'm over it. That's not good product management

I have played it once. 400+ stamina and get 14 tokens as reward doesn't seem good where if I put that on Elevate it's 20 + events played for at least 20+ training tokens, some of which could be worth 5 tokens.
It bugs me that we have to play with our lineup instead of Harden's teammates just because people wouldn't stop complaining about having to play with silvers.
Still 40 stamina to do the Blitz event....I guess the majority of folks were okay with this?...or maybe they haven't made it to the event because they're stuck on that hot spot event that looks harder than it is??? Or did a ton of people just pay the money to unlock the fast break? I wonder.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
It bugs me that we have to play with our lineup instead of Harden's teammates just because people wouldn't stop complaining about having to play with silvers.

Well the choice was to play with accurate teammates (not all the same year) that for the most part we're useless or play with elites I'd choose elites every day of the week
I was doing Elevate.

I like that they took away the rep packs but made the event 40 stamina. Makes folks have to grind it out. Everyone wants a card the day it's released then get impatient for the next content drop. It's only 1 OVR higher than the Harden they already have. Just chip away at it.


Pro 1
Still 40 stamina to do the Blitz event....I guess the majority of folks were okay with this?...or maybe they haven't made it to the event because they're stuck on that hot spot event that looks harder than it is??? Or did a ton of people just pay the money to unlock the fast break? I wonder.

not everything people dislike has to be changed. I've done a third of the way in collectibles for free and haven't played the event since maintenance. instead of playing the event for 1 day to get harden, you have to play 2 days. no big deal.

Btw, the other day you were wondering about things made easier, and commondjapan just pointed out another I can agree with, above your post.
It bugs me that we have to play with our lineup instead of Harden's teammates just because people wouldn't stop complaining about having to play with silvers.

Well the choice was to play with accurate teammates (not all the same year) that for the most part we're useless or play with elites I'd choose elites every day of the week

The campaign was supposed to have a narrative to it. Offseason Movers Lebron wasn't part of Harden's Road to MVP. CH 1 wasn't completely accurate but it was more interesting than the CH 2 challenges.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
It bugs me that we have to play with our lineup instead of Harden's teammates just because people wouldn't stop complaining about having to play with silvers.

Well the choice was to play with accurate teammates (not all the same year) that for the most part we're useless or play with elites I'd choose elites every day of the week

The campaign was supposed to have a narrative to it. Offseason Movers Lebron wasn't part of Harden's Road to MVP. CH 1 wasn't completely accurate but it was more interesting than the CH 2 challenges.

Yeah but it also forced you to use a bunch of trash cards it was not fun using 1 card to shoot all your shots because all the other ones sucked
Still 40 stamina to do the Blitz event....I guess the majority of folks were okay with this?...or maybe they haven't made it to the event because they're stuck on that hot spot event that looks harder than it is??? Or did a ton of people just pay the money to unlock the fast break? I wonder.

not everything people dislike has to be changed. I've done a third of the way in collectibles for free and haven't played the event since maintenance. instead of playing the event for 1 day to get harden, you have to play 2 days. no big deal.

Btw, the other day you were wondering about things made easier, and commondjapan just pointed out another I can agree with, above your post.

Well, you've convinced me. I don't know what I was thinking. Sure, we were told there'd be a rep requirement and prepared for it which turned out to be a total waste of stamina and time. Also, you know what? 40 stamina isn't too much at all! They should have made it 50 or 60 instead! I like 60. Why not make it so I can only play the event 4 whole times at level 45? It's only 2 less times than I could currently. 4 times? 2 or more tokens? I might mess around and get 12 whole tokens off of 4 hours worth of stamina! That's a steal, my friend!

I won't continue with the sarcasm. My point is we only have so much stamina that has to be used wisely and only so much time in the day, but multiple events to put it towards that require pretty large chunks of stamina even at 20 an event. (3600 elevate TP and most likely 2100+ will be individual gold tokens, that's 21 + live events right there, 400+ more stamina).

I also understand it's not a perfect world, and there's nothing wrong with having to choose between this or event and doing the other one(s) later. 40 stamina just seems excessive for 2-4 (being optimistic about 4) tokens a turn for a card that's main benefit is being 1 higher OVR. Stats aren't that much better.

We can agree to disagree, but the squeaky wheel gets the oil, and if people spoke up, maybe they'd change it to 20 like all the other events. Never know.

Also, I'm not convinced that letting us use our lineups makes it "easier". I think it makes it better, sure, but the AI is still beefed up (don't look at the OVR, look at their actual stats) as usual. It was terrible using base silvers and an elite versus a suped up Monstars squad.


Pro 1
We can agree to disagree, but the squeaky wheel gets the oil, and if people spoke up, maybe they'd change it to 20 like all the other events. Never know.

If you recall my comments in the previous page, I'm agreeing that rep would have been better. And that pretty much everything is weighing in stamina. We were not disagreeing.

I'm just surprised you expected that 40-stamina requirement to change. I didn't.

And playing with our elite line-ups being easier than silvers seems undeniable to me. It may not become a walk in the park due to the change - I've repeated a few events - but it's certainly easier.
We can agree to disagree, but the squeaky wheel gets the oil, and if people spoke up, maybe they'd change it to 20 like all the other events. Never know.

I'm just surprised you expected that 40-stamina requirement to change. I didn't.

They changed the Lebron Blitz stamina requirements.... so yes, I wouldn't be shocked if they decided to change this from 40 to lower. It's not like I out of the blue expect them to change stamina requirements for our benefits, but as I said, it happened before....
During the last Harden campaign, I ground out 250k rep from scratch and did the poor man's blitz event until I had a 100 tokens. It took 4-5 days. I'm sure you can get the 81 in a similar amount of time. Why do you need to get it faster? What difference does it make? Do you really think it's going to make you win more? You don't even need the 81 to get the 83. Hell, I skipped the first chapter on my alt and was rewarded with an 80 OVR at the start of the second campaign.

The only reason you need to complete everything is if they decided to release the Ultimate Harden set. Otherwise, I can't understand the issue especially for users who played Supremacy, The Ruler, Royalty, etc.
As I said, 40 is too little. They should require 60 or 80 per turn. Just make it 100 stamina per token.

(No, I don't want a card with better stats. Why would a card with better stats possibly produce better winning results?)


NBA Legend
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During the last Harden campaign, I ground out 250k rep from scratch and did the poor man's blitz event until I had a 100 tokens. It took 4-5 days. I'm sure you can get the 81 in a similar amount of time. Why do you need to get it faster? What difference does it make? Do you really think it's going to make you win more? You don't even need the 81 to get the 83. Hell, I skipped the first chapter on my alt and was rewarded with an 80 OVR at the start of the second campaign.

The only reason you need to complete everything is if they decided to release the Ultimate Harden set. Otherwise, I can't understand the issue especially for users who played Supremacy, The Ruler, Royalty, etc.

The issue people have with it is very clear... Taking 4-5 days worth of stamina takes away from these new programs that also award free cards for grinding you did it when there was nothing else to do in terms of free elites personally I'm not really gunning for 81 Harden until I see a use for it but I am playing the 1st win until part 3 comes out
I stopped what I was doing to grind out Harden. I could have kept grinding the Rookies program and trying to profit off gold coaches. People will face the same stamina choices when Tip-off drops next week. That shouldn't be an issue especially when most people complain when there's nothing to do, In the past, we have spent 50 stamina to get a random token for a set with countless duplicates. I don't think chipping away at the 81 Harden over the course of a week is going to hurt anyone. There are accelerator packs for people who want to speed things up. I don't understand why having the 81 Harden makes a dramatic difference over using one of the 80s but if that's how people feel it should be an extra incentive to grind out the set.


All-Star 3
I stopped what I was doing to grind out Harden. I could have kept grinding the Rookies program and trying to profit off gold coaches. People will face the same stamina choices when Tip-off drops next week. That shouldn't be an issue especially when most people complain when there's nothing to do, In the past, we have spent 50 stamina to get a random token for a set with countless duplicates. I don't think chipping away at the 81 Harden over the course of a week is going to hurt anyone. There are accelerator packs for people who want to speed things up. I don't understand why having the 81 Harden makes a dramatic difference over using one of the 80s but if that's how people feel it should be an extra incentive to grind out the set.

I agree .. especially since the 81 harden doesnt even have great stats.. like stewie just doing the first win on my main...and like u putting in my stamina into only harden in my alt..
@Jack.. no point getting frustrated with EA man.. it's a part of playing this game.. there hasnt been a season without screwups and as we have seen , there's going to be a lot more.. just dont throw ur phone on the wall..
Btw is anyone actually grinding SD.. really dont have the stamina for it this time


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Harden part 3 is after Halloween and there may be a Harden 85 card requiring Harden cards


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The Harden campaign was underwhelming. The first chapter was far more creative. I'd rather they bring back force close than continue dumbing down the game.


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