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Any news/ideas when next chapter(s) of Harden MVP Campaign is coming out??


Rookie 1
Hey guys, if you have any info about when the next chapter of the Harden MVP Campaign will release can you let me know?? Thanks... lol


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
They said on Wednesday that it won't come out for a couple of weeks no exact indication when


Rookie 1
Lol I know what you mean but I?m done with off-season movers now so I?d like to try the next chapter for Harden anyway...


Rookie 1
Though I've finished the Thunder Rolls set, I continue to play the Fast Break Blitz for XP points. I now have over 100 Thunder Roll tokens. Should I hang on to them in case they are a component of finishing the next Rocket Launch set? Or should I sell now for 50 coins a pop? I fear that if I don't sell them before this first part ends that I will no longer have the option to sell now. I made this mistake in the Rookies program by holding on to my extra lottery balls and now there is no option to sell them off. I don't care about losing out on making coins, but all of this adds up over time and before I know it I'm at the 1200 collectibles limit with no way to get them out of my inventory, as was the case many times last year. Any ideas?


Pro 1
Should I hang on to them in case they are a component of finishing the next Rocket Launch set? Or should I sell now for 50 coins a pop? I fear that if I don't sell them before this first part ends that I will no longer have the option to sell now. I made this mistake in the Rookies program by holding on to my extra lottery balls and now there is no option to sell them off.

A removal of the quick-sell option shouldn't happen.

I remember something about chocolate bunnies (?) in s2 having quick sell, losing it still during the related promo and then getting a worse value later, but the collectibles initially had a pretty good value which is not the case here.

I think the gold lottery balls never had a quicksell btw. I am hoping they change that as I have some useless stock as well, and I am keeping the thunder/harden collectibles until we get news about 83 Harden.


Rookie 1
So just in time for it to be completely obsolete? Great....

Exactly. They come out with something. Then they sit or shit on it until the card will be outdated and all the grinding was a waste. Why would I go for Harden 83 now when there is a grindable 84 Klay with better stats.


Rookie 1
Another thing probably not so relevant to the topic. Is there any evidence suggesting that we will need that 80 Harden to unlock the second chapter? I now have enough showdown points to buy the packs, but not sure if I should do so.
Thanks for your opinions.


All-Star 1
So just in time for it to be completely obsolete? Great....

Why would I go for Harden 83 now when there is a grindable 84 Klay with better stats.

The obvious reason would be to boost your OVR. If you've got two 80's in your lineup now, getting both Harden & Klay would get you a lot of the way to a higher OVRnwith 7 pts. Also, if you get both them you can choose which one plays. Just.bc Klays stats are better doesn't mean he's gonna play better or be a better fit for everyone. I'll do both if I can. With one lineup, there's no other good option


All-Star 1
Another thing probably not so relevant to the topic. Is there any evidence suggesting that we will need that 80 Harden to unlock the second chapter? I now have enough showdown points to buy the packs, but not sure if I should do so.
Thanks for your opinions.

To answer your question, I believe 80 Harden will be a requirement to unlock 83. It has traditionally been this way when the same player gets upgraded in the promo/campaign. Look at LBJ and Shaq for example.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Another thing probably not so relevant to the topic. Is there any evidence suggesting that we will need that 80 Harden to unlock the second chapter? I now have enough showdown points to buy the packs, but not sure if I should do so.
Thanks for your opinions.

To answer your question, I believe 80 Harden will be a requirement to unlock 83. It has traditionally been this way when the same player gets upgraded in the promo/campaign. Look at LBJ and Shaq for example.

Well it was said that all that was needed to get 83 Harden was to complete all 3 campaigns but it wasn't said either or not it requires you to have 80 Harden to even play the 2nd campaign but it also want said that you do need it so it's anyone's guess


All-Star 1
Another thing probably not so relevant to the topic. Is there any evidence suggesting that we will need that 80 Harden to unlock the second chapter? I now have enough showdown points to buy the packs, but not sure if I should do so.
Thanks for your opinions.

To answer your question, I believe 80 Harden will be a requirement to unlock 83. It has traditionally been this way when the same player gets upgraded in the promo/campaign. Look at LBJ and Shaq for example.

Well it was said that all that was needed to get 83 Harden was to complete all 3 campaigns but it wasn't said either or not it requires you to have 80 Harden to even play the 2nd campaign but it also want said that you do need it so it's anyone's guess

Agree and that's why I said "I believe"...it's anyone's guess but if history proves correct, it will more than likely be a requirement.


Rookie 2
They better update his stats and OVR then since there'd be no point in grinding out 2 more chapters for an 83 when there's already 85 masters and completely grindable 84 overalls.
Looks like it's gonna be another 5 rep packs for the next Harden event (or i'm guessing you can probably unlock a better option with money)

The other thing will of course be if it requires the same Thunder Tokens or not. I'm predicting it will require Rocket Fuel lolllll
The rep packs way is actually kind of a pain though, lol. 3k rep per SD win 16 wins for one pack, on average. 80 SD wins to unlock the event that unlocks Harden :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Looking back, I'm not sure how I managed to get the amount of rep needed in a short time with a 76-77 rated lineup. It did help that I still had a few achievements to get that paid rep. Now?? Those are pretty much dry lol. Just 488 more blocks to get 5k rep, and that's the only remaining from General. Ill probably hit the 50 LVL quarter around Thursday, so that's a much more attainable 5K. Those are the only achievements I have left that give rep LOL.

It took me this long to get to 512 blocks, so i'm not gonna hold my breath that I get 488 soon lol.

There is also the SD bonuses based on tier. Gonna be scraping together quite a bit for this uhmmm 81? or 82? Harden.... I love the grind

I spent probably over 500K rep on those offseason packs for McGrady and Garnett. Pulled just one McGrady, no Garnett, but sold all of the gold when possible.


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