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2019 NBA Finals Promo


Rookie 1
Yeah well I didn’t have but 60 saved bonus packs. However, I did misread the $500 packs in store (or rather EA mislabeled them). They show 7 gold and no elite tokens for $500, while the $2000 pack is just 3 elite. I did some “exploring,” and it turns out the $500 packs average almost 3 elite tokens plus the golds per pack - gives between 0 and 5 per. So with playing the events and spending some jack, I have 105 LBJ. It will still cost quite a bit, but with coin packs, light playing events and buying $500 packs, this campaign can be completed for well under $1000, for those inclined to spend.

Question - I read the requirement for the Player of the Game 105s as “15 Finals Elite Players” whilst others are telling me it’s “15 Finals Elite tokens.” We will know soon enough but anyone have a definitive answer. I’m pretty sure I’m right and it’s cards, not tokens.

my luck wasn’t quite as good on 5 of the 500 packs I got a total of 9 elite tokens. 3 once, 2 three times and zero once


Pro 2
Now,the only question I have is whether the extra Game Elites are restricted only to game one. This is a good card but they need to give us boosts. The boosts on the Hero cards, except Magic’s, are pretty meh.


Rookie 1
I’ve got to think you would be able to use the game 1 elites in future potg sets otherwise imho it’s dumb to give you extra useless garbage when you drop 10k in nba cash to get Spicy P


Pro 2
I’ve got to think you would be able to use the game 1 elites in future potg sets otherwise imho it’s dumb to give you extra useless garbage when you drop 10k in nba cash to get Spicy P

I didn’t buy him tho. Well, not buy like 10k to the store. But we now know that the hero teammate elites do not work and all this business on Reddit and YouTube about using elite tokens was nonsense.


Rookie 1
Wow I definitely need some of your luck........or rather half your coin stack so I could grab him off the ah.....patience and hope his BN drops as I don’t wanna drop 40% of my stack to get him.

Heck the playoff moments stuff of 8 packs all time opened I’ve got only 1 token every time anyone else with any good quantity of token pulls?

There’s no way they add boosts to the potg players....otherwise why would you do the promo as it takes 117 elite tokens to get I.e. 105 Wade w boost.

You need 15 players to get the potg, and can get a player for 5 elite tokens....thus 75 elite tokens gives you a 105 potg.

You could get 2 of Wade, Duncan, Bron, and Magic or you could instead get 3 potg players for 9 elite tokens less. It would be a no brainer pick the 3 you want and scoop them up
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Rookie 3
not sure if this was posted..

NBA finals G1 elites/plat:
93 pf bal kevin mchale
94 sg bal doug collins
95 sf bal paul pierce
96 pg bal allen iverson
102 c bal willis reid


Rookie 1
Is there anyone we can ask re: the game 1 elites use in future POTG sets? I'm totally second guessing and don't want these 15 game 1 elites to go to waste.

Buyer's remorse in advance....I've got the 15 tokens to get Siakam but as I started with the Duncan set and have him to 105 (non-boost) thus far really it's a duplication.

In review....if they are able to be used I'll just hold them and get a future POTG player.....and buy Siakam off the AH at some point once the value drops.


Pro 1
When are we supposed to get the 2nd Finals Choice token?

I got the 1st 105 Duncan and nothing. Just the 100 Robinson.
Looked everywhere I could think of and found nothing.

Is it some dated event thing? Like at the next daily reset, when the 2nd historic journey event shows up?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
When are we supposed to get the 2nd Finals Choice token?

I got the 1st 105 Duncan and nothing. Just the 100 Robinson.
Looked everywhere I could think of and found nothing.

Is it some dated event thing? Like at the next daily reset, when the 2nd historic journey event shows up?
Each game day you get one for the first 4 games and I'm pretty sure you don't get one from the sets unless you complete the stat boost master since that's when you get the token for KD/Kawhi as well


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What happens if the series lasta only 4 games? Does the promo get cut short?
No the promo will act like it's 7 games since they have all that stuff made already POTG is the only thing that can change but last year it was a sweep and instead of POTG for the last couple games they made "champion" cards


Pro 1
No the promo will act like it's 7 games since they have all that stuff made already POTG is the only thing that can change but last year it was a sweep and instead of POTG for the last couple games they made "champion" cards
I guess they could make cards from previous years POTG's. That would widen the choice possibilities and still keep it on theme.


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Pro 2
I just now realized the 106 Masters don’t have boosts. What are you doing EA? Are these the first masters all season without boosts?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I just now realized the 106 Masters don’t have boosts. What are you doing EA? Are these the first masters all season without boosts?
Nah there have been many masters without boosts even in the 2019 portion of the season


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