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2019 NBA Finals Promo

You didn't get one today because game 6 is tomorrow and fwiw don't build the masters build POTG cards

I just realized today is Wednesday not Thursday... long week...

Why build the POTG cards though? Is there a list somewhere of who is available? It seems unlikely to get a card that will help my team.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I just realized today is Wednesday not Thursday... long week...

Why build the POTG cards though? Is there a list somewhere of who is available? It seems unlikely to get a card that will help my team.
You want to build POTGs because it can cost as little as 75 elite trophies and as much as 85 and you can an auctionable 105 which now come with boosts whereas in order to get an auctionable hero card you need 117 elite trophies and 10 elite players to get a card that sells for as much as the POTGs and even less in most cases but POTG sets are only available until the end of the day after the game they are from so there will be a new one after game 6 and based on the game 4 and 5 POTGs it will come with an ability with a quicker charge time than any of the heroes giving it more value on the AH so if you don't want the POTG sell it and buy the hero you want essentially for about 70% of the trophy requirements as building a hero outright
You want to build POTGs because it can cost as little as 75 elite trophies and as much as 85 and you can an auctionable 105 which now come with boosts whereas in order to get an auctionable hero card you need 117 elite trophies and 10 elite players to get a card that sells for as much as the POTGs and even less in most cases but POTG sets are only available until the end of the day after the game they are from so there will be a new one after game 6 and based on the game 4 and 5 POTGs it will come with an ability with a quicker charge time than any of the heroes giving it more value on the AH so if you don't want the POTG sell it and buy the hero you want essentially for about 70% of the trophy requirements as building a hero outright

Cool, I never paid much attention to the sets they put up on game day. I will have to watch for it tomorrow (or whenever Thursday comes!). I basically have stopped using the auction house, but will start to pay a little more attention. Thanks.


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