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2019 NBA Finals Promo

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
How do you unlock all of the historic player maps? Besides the one you get guaranteed.
After you finish one 105 master version you will get token for another,so depending on the master you choose you will unlock his historical map,same thing as with the first master and so on


Rookie 1
Sorry if this has been answered already ;( On the master cards.. on the Final sets we need an NBA FINALS token for the final ability set.. how do we acquire this Nbafinals token?

Thanks in advance.


All-Star 1
Sorry if this has been answered already ;( On the master cards.. on the Final sets we need an NBA FINALS token for the final ability set.. how do we acquire this Nbafinals token?

Thanks in advance.
It's in the sets. Like 10 NBA Finals elite players for the token
I’m a “light grinder” plus pay player. I just did a little “head math” on what it costs for one hero with some light grinding. And the answer is .... wait for it ..... $50,000 NBA cash. All four would be $200,000 NBA cash. That’s about $1,700 for one campaign, not including starter packs. So really about $2,000. EA has lost their f#cking minds. I wondered what it would take for me to say, “no mas.” Today EA showed me. Total f#cking insanity EA.

Rant over - I’m out.

Dont know what are you talking about

With 295 saved bonus packs, first live events wins, coin packs & legacy events I'm already 25 elite tokens away from 105 Duncan
How do you unlock all of the historic player maps? Besides the one you get guaranteed.

"At Games 1, 3, 5 and 6 of the 2019 NBA Finals, you will receive a Historic Choice Token. In Sets, use this to choose which Historic Hero's NBA Finals story you would like to play."


Pro 2
Dont know what are you talking about

With 295 saved bonus packs, first live events wins, coin packs & legacy events I'm already 25 elite tokens away from 105 Duncan

Yeah well I didn’t have but 60 saved bonus packs. However, I did misread the $500 packs in store (or rather EA mislabeled them). They show 7 gold and no elite tokens for $500, while the $2000 pack is just 3 elite. I did some “exploring,” and it turns out the $500 packs average almost 3 elite tokens plus the golds per pack - gives between 0 and 5 per. So with playing the events and spending some jack, I have 105 LBJ. It will still cost quite a bit, but with coin packs, light playing events and buying $500 packs, this campaign can be completed for well under $1000, for those inclined to spend.

Question - I read the requirement for the Player of the Game 105s as “15 Finals Elite Players” whilst others are telling me it’s “15 Finals Elite tokens.” We will know soon enough but anyone have a definitive answer. I’m pretty sure I’m right and it’s cards, not tokens.


All-Star 1
Dont know what are you talking about

With 295 saved bonus packs, first live events wins, coin packs & legacy events I'm already 25 elite tokens away from 105 Duncan
I dont see how your math works out. I've spent all my stamina since reset, 2x first wins, bought coin packs, 12 golds from legacy, and did game 1 of the Heat series, + 180 saved bonus packs. That leaves me with 29 elite tokens. If you did the same but had 300 bonus packs, you should only have 42 elite tokens....... You're saying you have 67? How?


All-Star 1
I just counted 87 of them sitting in my ah. *If* what EA meant is 15 Finals Elite cards for the POG, they are there to be had.
The ones I see are "Finals Teammates" which I would think are different than the "Finals Elites" even though technically they are Elites from the Finals


Pro 2
The ones I see are "Finals Teammates" which I would think are different than the "Finals Elites" even though technically they are Elites from the Finals

Right. But these are the ones you will need to use in sets. That’s the point. I don’t think there are any other “final elites.”
I dont see how your math works out. I've spent all my stamina since reset, 2x first wins, bought coin packs, 12 golds from legacy, and did game 1 of the Heat series, + 180 saved bonus packs. That leaves me with 29 elite tokens. If you did the same but had 300 bonus packs, you should only have 42 elite tokens....... You're saying you have 67? How?

Packs reseted twice today, at 7 am & 10 am. I started with 999 stamina, + ads, + court pass, + a level up.


Pro 1
I just counted 87 of them sitting in my ah. *If* what EA meant is 15 Finals Elite cards for the POG, they are there to be had.
Promo info stated you needed elites from the “Game” sets for POTG. The elites on the AH are from the master sets and can be used for the ability token but not POTG


Pro 2
Promo info stated you needed elites from the “Game” sets for POTG. The elites on the AH are from the master sets and can be used for the ability token but not POTG

Gotcha. The ones associated with the heroes have a solid red border on top. I know those work in KD ability set. The game elites have a mixed sorta purple and gray border. They work in ability spots too. I assume they will be the ones for POG. I have several McHale, Iverson, Pierce, and Collins of those. Hopefully that’s what works for all the POG sets. It better not just be game 1 or I’m gonna be pissed. And you are right - they aren’t auctionable. Don’t know why ea made such a big deal out of telling us we can snipe the elites from ah. Except......it’s ea.


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