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2019 NBA Draft Promo


Pro 2
How do we get the darn card. They are for sale in the store. Where is the token that fills the “lock” space? This is confusing.


Rookie 1
I had decided to sit this campaign out for the most part (have done the odd event here and ther) but now I'm completely stumped about how it's all working and what I should be doing!?

I have 9 ballots and 300 ish caps.....what should I be doing at this stage? FYI: anything under a 104 would be useless, so if I can't get at least that by this stage, I won't bother trying to catch up.

Any suggestions/help would be appreciated!
I had decided to sit this campaign out for the most part (have done the odd event here and ther) but now I'm completely stumped about how it's all working and what I should be doing!?

I have 9 ballots and 300 ish caps.....what should I be doing at this stage? FYI: anything under a 104 would be useless, so if I can't get at least that by this stage, I won't bother trying to catch up.

Any suggestions/help would be appreciated!
With 5 days left and only 9 ballots and 300 caps it will be next to impossible to get anyone that's worth it for you.


All-Star 3
@stewie who u going for?.. I have 106 oscar and 105 harden.. so planning to go for rj for bench boost even though ja has better stats


Rookie 1
anyone already have tried to open the 10th-4th draft pick ?
The 3th-1th will clearly give RJ, Morant, & Zion.
and what about them ? (10th-4th draft pick)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
@stewie who u going for?.. I have 106 oscar and 105 harden.. so planning to go for rj for bench boost even though ja has better stats
Definitely RJ to help with Boomer I currently have Beal as my backup SG so getting an extra defensive player that can probably reach 108 will be key for me


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