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2019 NBA Draft Promo

So I was right, lol, how anyone thought ea would give u a short cut 😂
I was one of those people. I stayed up from 2am to 5:30am just to participate. They should have made it more worthwhile (60 caps instead of 30 & unlock the 150 cap event), especially considering the inconvenient time for international players.
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All-Star 3
saw morant on the AH already, but to throw 200e + on a game this late in the season.. is INSANE :D :D :D
What I dont get is, spending that much and then selling it for 4mill coins.. .
I'm constantly amazed how buckeye has a lower ovr and lesser coin than me after spending so much money..

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
What I dont get is, spending that much and then selling it for 4mill coins.. .
I'm constantly amazed how buckeye has a lower ovr and lesser coin than me after spending so much money..
Me neither...specially this season when we get almost every week new cards that are grindable...🤔🤔


Rookie 3
Im pretty sure you need to complete the picks event to get the pick token.. getting the amount of tokens reqd seems too easy...


Rookie 1
I was one of those people. I stayed up from 2am to 5:30am just to participate. They should have made it more worthwhile (60 caps instead of 30 & unlock the 150 cap event), especially considering the inconvenient time for international players.
EA doesn't care about international players - from not taking the exchange rate into consideration in the store (eg. Zion costs £100 for me, which is $127) to being quicker than they've ever been in adding POTG during the finals and as a result spoiling the result of the game for anyone who had recorded it and planned to watch it the next day due to time difference. They have contempt for anyone outside of America!


Rookie 1
The more I think about it, I think this game is just run by low-wage, hourly workers who cycle through every month and care as much about the customer experience as the McDonald's cashier cares about your fries being warm. It is the only way to explain all the irrational decisions.

For example, during Christmas, they originally wanted to make the blitz events only available during the 5 Xmas day games. Foreign players complained, EA caved and made them 24 hour events. Fast forward to draft blitz and this concept is completely thrown out the window. Any competently run organization would have recalled this experience from a few months ago and adapted.


Rookie 3
agreed, this could have easily been one shot one kill, hourly over 10hrs... but i understand teh conceot of trying to doing it during the draft.. and most of their money comes from asia, so they were in the kill zone..


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