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2019 NBA Draft Promo


Rookie 3
Yeah that’s true. But how to turn caps into ballots is the point. (See comment above). Barry The Boastful is making a couple big assumptions. Like he says there will be legendary and current roads (maps). What EA wrote is there are legendary and current “players.” Is his speculation possible? Sure. But I wouldn’t rely on it.
I agree with u too


Pro 2
Ok I did some more checking and I’m man enough to call myself out. EA says that the second way to exchange caps for ballots — the post draft trade event — You can get 47 ballots that way, which costs 7050 caps by my math and assumes you win every time. (This is only on EA’s own forum, not in the campaign explanation). That’s good news. If you complete Combines 10-7 plus get all the 47 ballots you can get in post draft trade event, then you have just enough for the #1 pick.

This is actually great news to me, because I know I’ll have enough now for 1st two picks. And be 29 ballots short of 3rd pick.


All-Star 3
Partially true, because the point is how do caps become ballots. Two ways. First, in the Combines. I had all the caps I needed. You turn caps into ballots in Combines.

The only other way EA says you can turn caps into ballots is post draft trades. Is he talking about that? The danger there is we have no info on how long or how often that blitz will be.
Yup. The post draft event..
So they suggest to save ur caps till then.. and how much ever long the event is up trade in caps for ballots.. and once the event is done go back to combine ..
The benefit is 150 caps for a ballot.. and losing the event gives u back 150 caps (if I'm right)
How many ballots have u got at this point?


Rookie 3
Think it was bleeding obvious you need to grind the stamina and finish as mnay steps as possible..
My prediction earlier in this stream was that at the moment you can get 6000/ 12000 needed..
You will most likely also need the draft night events also.
Where you guys thought that just collecting the min needed for the pick be crazy 😝


All-Star 1
Ok I did some more checking and I’m man enough to call myself out. EA says that the second way to exchange caps for ballots — the post draft trade event — You can get 47 ballots that way, which costs 7050 caps by my math and assumes you win every time. (This is only on EA’s own forum, not in the campaign explanation). That’s good news. If you complete Combines 10-7 plus get all the 47 ballots you can get in post draft trade event, then you have just enough for the #1 pick.

This is actually great news to me, because I know I’ll have enough now for 1st two picks. And be 29 ballots short of 3rd pick.
It has to be correct because from the start they said there are 2 separate ways to play the promo, go for Legends or go for Picks. So the Post draft is how to get your high picks. My concern is that it'll be like the Final Key events and be fairly difficult so Im grinding all the Ballot caps I possibly can so that I have an excess.


Pro 2
Yup. The post draft event..
So they suggest to save ur caps till then.. and how much ever long the event is up trade in caps for ballots.. and once the event is done go back to combine ..
The benefit is 150 caps for a ballot.. and losing the event gives u back 150 caps (if I'm right)
How many ballots have u got at this point?

60. Don’t hate. lolol. Actually when you lose in post draft trade I think you only get 130 back. There is a 20 cap penalty. We will see if the events are simple. The combine events basically used the daily beats events so it was super easy. Took like 30 minutes to complete.
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Pro 2
It has to be correct because from the start they said there are 2 separate ways to play the promo, go for Legends or go for Picks. So the Post draft is how to get your high picks. My concern is that it'll be like the Final Key events and be fairly difficult so Im grinding all the Ballot caps I possibly can so that I have an excess.

Not quite correct. Even EA didn’t know how many ballots could be had from post draft trades until a recent post on their website a day after promo dropped. Clearly they hadn’t decided yet. You get 60 ballots through the Combines, so there is your #1 pick.. You can get as much as 47 though the post draft trade blitz (so you can’t get #1 pick that way, only #2). Granted it cost more caps in Combines (is less efficient) to get those 58 you need through the Combines, but you have to at least complete 3 of them. But Barry’s thing about 2 roads - current and legendary - is bullshit. There are simply two ways - Combines and post draft trade event. Post draft trade event has nothing to do with “current players” any more than the Combines do. The difference is the Combines allow you to double dip on players, but for a price; and the post draft trade event costs fewer caps.... **if** you consistently beat the event 47 times.
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Rookie 1
Those 106 cards in the bobby buckets video are photoshopped right? I assume those will be the 3 106 players drafted 1-3, but just want to know if they were photoshopped cause of the lineup type he has shown for each,


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Those 106 cards in the bobby buckets video are photoshopped right? I assume those will be the 3 106 players drafted 1-3, but just want to know if they were photoshopped cause of the lineup type he has shown for each,
I didn't even see it and I know they are photoshopped because he has no in with EA so he wouldn't be able to see the cards

I just looked them up and hell yeah they're fake they're wearing their college jerseys EA doesn't use pictures from college in their pro games they would use pictures of them at the combine (none of those 3 players were at the combine) or pictures of them on stage after they're drafted


Pro 2
Those 106 cards in the bobby buckets video are photoshopped right? I assume those will be the 3 106 players drafted 1-3, but just want to know if they were photoshopped cause of the lineup type he has shown for each,

Click bait
The draft is on while I’m at work so I don’t really know how I should be grinding this promo. I’ve been saving my caps on one account and doing the Legendary players on the other.


All-Star 1
The draft is on while I’m at work so I don’t really know how I should be grinding this promo. I’ve been saving my caps on one account and doing the Legendary players on the other.
I think...if you get to the Level 6 combine event that rewards Dumars tonight, you'll need 6000 draft caps to get enough Ballot tokens for #1 pick. If, for the remainder of the promo, you spend all of your stamina + ads+ bonus stamina, buy coin packs, and open 4 Bonus packs per day...... you'll be 350 Draft caps short of 6000. That would require an extra 900 stamina to get those. And you'll also need to win every single Post Draft blitz event. But it seems pretty doable to get #1 even if you miss the draft tomorrow


Rookie 1
I didn't even see it and I know they are photoshopped because he has no in with EA so he wouldn't be able to see the cards

I just looked them up and hell yeah they're fake they're wearing their college jerseys EA doesn't use pictures from college in their pro games they would use pictures of them at the combine (none of those 3 players were at the combine) or pictures of them on stage after they're drafted
Ah okay. Thanks

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
I have read some of your post here about clinching #1 for free if it can be done or not for free,but im not interested in getting #1 i just wanna tell you my situation with this promo right now because only thing i do is every 5h log in and once do all daily objectives than for reminder of the day i spend all my stamina(ads and free stamina from UA rush) in this promo because im very busy with my job...so i have 570 draft caps and 15 ballots and my question is can i get any of top 3 picks because i would like to get that morant if its possible to grind it in this way that im doing right now...thank you in advance(if you dont understand what i wanted to say feel free to ask for explanation)😅


Pro 2
Allegedly these are legit. I can’t verify it tho (super busy at work so apologize if these already posted )



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