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Blockbuster Promo


All-Star 3
Along with this previous question, is there any way to get concession tokens in like arena or seasons? And I’m also wondering why the slush is event costs 90 stamina
yes 1 master f2p
u need 160 of each token to get a 103 master.. so 16 of each token at the end of each day will get u that.


All-Star 3
Bruh I’m not gonna be able to get that Gary Payton. I watched all 6 of the ads that give me a 50% chance to pull a trailer token but I only got a token one out of the 6 times. Wtf EA. This is why I never pull anything good.
dude u just won a competition on twitter... lol


Rookie 2
When you compare my pack luck to those who consistently pull the highest overall out of BOB packs you'll see.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Seems rather obvious but you have to get the cards from THIS promo to unlock the event.
It was something I mentioned as a possibility due to EA's once again shitty wording and the people that ran the prices of every card of those players through the roof including wiping some of them from the AH period it was a 90/10 for me that it wasn't gonna work but wanted to throw that possibility out there just in case there was a way to cheat the system since there have been times where they were specific and it didn't matter


Pro 2
Mainly the goal is to obtain all the cards right? But its o ly possible to get 1 and "pay" for the other 2. Honestly, on my ST and SS teams, neither is a necessity 🤷‍♂️


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Out of the 3 Melo would help the most but I kinda want to try K Mart his card looks very interesting especially at PG (which is a weird choice for what I think is his 1st card this year since he was only listed at PG for his rookie year) too bad that like always PG is overloaded with way more options at high overall than all the other positions


Pro 2
I wouldn't mind all 3, but if I get the splash bros (which I dont even know if I can get both) then theres no need for harden, unless his stats beat klays Garnet, would be my next option versus my abdur rahim 2000s decade player. And then its melody versus dr j.


Rookie 2
Is it possible to get a boosted 103 master no money spent and not spending any cash?
It is possible if you get twenty of each of the tokens(for example the slushie) each day and you grind hard to get the tickets. Each of the ticket events are 150 stamina and if you get 5 stars, the events will give you five tokens.


Pro 2
Just debating how to go about this. Based on first see, who among the 3 is most deserving to get? Also, who would people want to buy the most?


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