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Blockbuster Promo


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Anyone know what the 102 slushie, popcorn, and candy masters you can pull from events they advertise Heat on slushie pack, Warriors on popcorn pack, and Nets on candy pack so it has to be about those teams right


Pro 1
Anyone know what the 102 slushie, popcorn, and candy masters you can pull from events they advertise Heat on slushie pack, Warriors on popcorn pack, and Nets on candy pack so it has to be about those teams right
Was just about to ask the same.
Nothing at my AH (aside from the 2x 103s)

And there seems to be a reward glitch. Shouldn't the 60 and 90 stamina blitzes give out 2 and 3 tokens, respectively?
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Does anyone know if I could use the James Harden SG from this event at the same time as my James Harden PG from Arena?
Yes you can use as many versions of the same player as you want as long as they are different positions so you could have a PG, SG, SF, PF, and C Harden at the same time if you wanted you just can't have 2 on the same position


Rookie 2
How do you get the Melo tokens for the 103 Carmelo Anthony?
Do you get it from the 101 and 102 players before the master?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
How do you get the Melo tokens for the 103 Carmelo Anthony?
Do you get it from the 101 and 102 players before the master?
You get it from the Melo event all the way on the right but you need the supporting players of that trade which would be Danilo and Chauncey and based on the fact that all Billups cards are gone from my AH I'd say it allows you to use any version of those players also it doesn't say an overall


Rookie 1
You get it from the Melo event all the way on the right but you need the supporting players of that trade which would be Danilo and Chauncey and based on the fact that all Billups cards are gone from my AH I'd say it allows you to use any version of those players also it doesn't say an overall
Nah i have Danilo and Chauncey from previous promos and the event stays locked even if i put them in my lineup.


Rookie 2
Is it possible to get a boosted 103 master no money spent and not spending any cash?
Along with this previous question, is there any way to get concession tokens in like arena or seasons? And I’m also wondering why the slush is event costs 90 stamina


Rookie 2
Bruh I’m not gonna be able to get that Gary Payton. I watched all 6 of the ads that give me a 50% chance to pull a trailer token but I only got a token one out of the 6 times. Wtf EA. This is why I never pull anything good.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
It needs to be these ones. The 101 and the 102 from this promo.
That was already established but I never said it was for sure that you could use any version just that it may do that because of what happened to every version of those players on the AH as well as EA once again not being descriptive in the description which in turn caused the AH stuff to happen


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