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Got 10 million to spend any suggestions

Yeah, I reached 107 yesterday f2p, when I completed 106 Embiid. I only use the earned cash, almost always for the weekly pass & stamina refills


Rookie 3
Like how?? Im following all the procedures and im only at 106..but you guys are having 10 mil coins??
While coins is important, i don’t think you need that much to get to 107. Of course it will be easier but you can also grind them oit. Below is my lineup in one of my account

Lambeer/embiid - you should already have them by now.
Fvv/duncan/lebron/wade- grinded on finals promo with no money spent. If you followed stewie’s advise about going for potg instead of the hero master, you should be able to get at least 3 masters.
Walker/bradley - from previous promo. No money spent
Porzi - you can build for like 400k, or you can get gotw gazol for free if you already accumulated enough token
Kawhi - through ah. Right now you can get him i think between 500k to 700k.
There is already a thready about 107 lineup, so you can check there as well.


Rookie 3
Also, important that you have boomer, april’s fool court, miami and nugget jersey, all are f2p’s. While it’s kinda annoying that almost everyone you face have them, but i guess there is no other choice if you are f2p...haha.


Rookie 3
I don’t even have boomer I don’t know how people got him the grind was crazy for him
From underdog promo (milestone style). Can’t recall if i spent some nba cash there but if you grinded really hard you should be able to reach him. I think it was the farthest that i reached.


Rookie 3
Here’s a update for lebron masked View attachment 1421
Wow, you are good at this. Perhaps it needed patience and luck because seems to me you have to buy cards, post it with higher price than they normally do in ah, if doesn’t sell repost. And since it’s hard to tell when the bot will buy a certain card with high price, you have to do it regularly every 4 to 5 times for like 30 to 50 cards. Not sure, or you have contact with some ah manipulator and getting hints from them. In case, I know it’s something that you won’t tell explicitly but some tips is appreciated...haha.


Pro 1
Wow, you are good at this. Perhaps it needed patience and luck because seems to me you have to buy cards, post it with higher price than they normally do in ah, if doesn’t sell repost. And since it’s hard to tell when the bot will buy a certain card with high price, you have to do it regularly every 4 to 5 times for like 30 to 50 cards. Not sure, or you have contact with some ah manipulator and getting hints from them. In case, I know it’s something that you won’t tell explicitly but some tips is appreciated...haha.
Has nothing to do with skill whatsoever it’s bot manipulation lol it takes zero effort


Pro 1
Wow, you are good at this. Perhaps it needed patience and luck because seems to me you have to buy cards, post it with higher price than they normally do in ah, if doesn’t sell repost. And since it’s hard to tell when the bot will buy a certain card with high price, you have to do it regularly every 4 to 5 times for like 30 to 50 cards. Not sure, or you have contact with some ah manipulator and getting hints from them. In case, I know it’s something that you won’t tell explicitly but some tips is appreciated...haha.
The well known filter to find the hot card is something along the lines of:

81-84 OVR
Min. buy now 16,000
Max. buy now 25,000

Then scroll to the 4 hour mark and if there’s multiples of a card already sold that’s most likely the “hot” card


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