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Got 10 million to spend any suggestions

wtf you dont need to work and stuff?
I play at work. I take a 8minute "bathroom break" every hour lol. To answer some of your previous posts, it was entirely possible to get both KD and Kawhi for free. Not by grinding but from the AH. This season there is no difference between P2p and F2p. BOTH P2p and hard grinding F2p players can be 108.


Rookie 3
I do work also. All you need is extra 15 min every 4 or 5 hours to burn your stamina, then grind other objectives after your day. Kinda boring tbh since they seem forgot the competetive modes like season, showdown and lvl which i enjoyed the most before. For this promo, i gained 3.4m from selling rj and if i have to buy him back for like 1m, that will still be a 2m for me. If you are doing that process from the beginning of this season, you should be at 107 or 108 with like at least 20m. I am not good in ah and didn’t have always the patience but i have 5m and 12m in my 2 accounts which are both 107. Note also that i lost my 2 old accounts and restarted around new year.


Rookie 1
That one in pic was there for a bit the one I bought took 2 days of looking and I’ve been watching for a Yao 106 since I missed one like a week and a half ago
The well known filter to find the hot card is something along the lines of:

81-84 OVR
Min. buy now 16,000
Max. buy now 25,000

Then scroll to the 4 hour mark and if there’s multiples of a card already sold that’s most likely the “hot” card
Sooo... if one were to buy that card at $25000, what then would they post it for ?


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