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The New Shot Meter Sucks!


Rookie 1
All my players now have a silver players shot meter, a tiny circle that sometimes turns green and is not even a guaranteed bucket if I get a green release.

Change it back to how it was!


Rookie 1
Totally agree! Gameplay is terrible. My guys can?t hit anything. Of course, the ai is still doing fine smh.
Lol maybe this is what they thought we meant by "new animations" hahaha. They seem so fascinated with meters. Next up a dunk meter, green indicates your dunk is going in. Maybe instead of green the next big change would be red or dare I say it lavender. Big things happening in nbalm.


Rookie 3
Staff member
It's been bothering me since day 1... gameplay is not what it use to be...


All-Star 1
It's been clunky to say the least, esp on defense. Now my leaguemates are all saying they can't shoot for shit since the update and the shot meter blows. I haven't seen any changes yet bc i havent updated. Good times!


Rookie 1
It's been clunky to say the least, esp on defense. Now my leaguemates are all saying they can't shoot for shit since the update and the shot meter blows. I haven't seen any changes yet bc i havent updated. Good times!

Lucky you. You should not update it for as long as you can, because I think they will have it mandatory to update soon. This is why I have automatic updates turned off but I went into the app store and updated all the apps that had new updates ready to install.

The gameplay is not enjoyable whatsoever for me anymore.


Rookie 1
I hate it so much I want to quit. And it?s only 1 month in. Rather than fixing the terrible passing they fix what?s not broken.

Maybe it?s just me that I?m using wrong. Does anyone know the theory or explanation on this new meter?

I?ve missed almost every 3 even wide open.
It's been clunky to say the least, esp on defense. Now my leaguemates are all saying they can't shoot for shit since the update and the shot meter blows. I haven't seen any changes yet bc i havent updated. Good times!

Lucky you. You should not update it for as long as you can, because I think they will have it mandatory to update soon. This is why I have automatic updates turned off but I went into the app store and updated all the apps that had new updates ready to install.

The gameplay is not enjoyable whatsoever for me anymore.

One of the items listed under the update is "improved gameplay" BHAHAHAH. I actually enjoyed the difference before the update where if you worked to get more space for a shot, your shot circle would be slightly larger. You could still miss of course, but it definitely let you know your chances increased.

I just hope that's not all they've changed. I haven't played any 5v5 since the update, but judgine my my team's LVL scores they either didn't fix the glitch, or they may have nerfed the AI (like they apparently tried to do Sunday night but somehow 100% shooting got thrown in there)
Yeah, it's rough to say the least. I think the main purpose of the update was to fix the Iphone problem, but if you update you get sucked into this. Kind of silly to not make it a mandatory update, at least make an attempt to even the playing field lol.

Mandatory updates probably don't make money, though. Some see it's mandatory and close the app, I guess. Idk, i'm just throwing darts. Today was a weird display by EA. Past week has been weird, really.
There seems to be a huge disconnect between what we as players want and what the developers think we want. Just look at this tweet from Brian, if I may be so bold as to ask what exactly about the recent changes did we ask for? According to EA they have listened to our feedback and made changes we want. I'm the one that's confused....


Rookie 1
Everyone will have to update for the new features when they actually arrive though right? Tbh I?m not sure what the mechanics are for the difference between new content etc being downloaded when you open the app vs asking you to update via the App Store. Both give new content but in a different way, I guess bigger structural changes have to be via an update? Surely that means everyone will have to do it soon?


Rookie 1
There seems to be a huge disconnect between what we as players want and what the developers think we want. Just look at this tweet from Brian, if I may be so bold as to ask what exactly about the recent changes did we ask for? According to EA they have listened to our feedback and made changes we want. I'm the one that's confused....

Im right there with you bro. They seem to say that bullshit alot "we listened to your feedback". Nobody never asks for like 90% of the changes they make.


Rookie 1
Gameplay literally sucks .... it?s terrible! Wtf is this meter? It?s green suddenly change to yellow, even open shots with perfect release get 48% chance! Add to this the ******* missing dunks and missing 100% lay ups ...
Now it?s not possible to play showdown, many didn?t update app and score like before while it?s not possible to score even 10 points after update.
What?s wrong with EA?! People ask them to fix lvl glitch and they mess up gameplay


All-Star 1
Idk why they are so seemingly incompetent. The other day when they introduced the 100% glitch theybmsde changes to the shot meter & I liked them. Maybe it felt like it worked well bc everything went in but I didn't have a problem hitting the green most of the time. Haven't seen what they did today but it sure sounds like a botched job


Rookie 3
my reading of the G(reen) spot..
- when open, seems to draw into and give you +20
- if a defender starts defending, it drops to +14..
- shooting seems slightly harder in SD, not sure about LvL personally, but teammates are struggling

- per Brian's later tweet, we can expect futher changes in todates maintenance update, on what, who knows...
I just had a match where TWO different shot meters showed up. This new smaller one, and the larger old one appears as well! I have no clue what triggered the old one to come back, or if it's just random glitch (that they missed during their rigorous tests over a 2 week process to ensure it's legitimacy).

That said, I'm pretty sure the common complaint with shots is missing MANY in a row that are perfect release. The solution is to make the shots more difficult??? I mean, I GUESS I can see the screwed up reasoning there. We can't complain about missing so many perfect release shots if they just simply lower the number of perfect release shots possible *finger to temple meme*

You had a bad day, EA. Shake it off. You rolled out a bunch of content and thought the day would go flawlessly, but little did you know you managed to overshadow that by screwing some people out of coins (again) and just overall looking like you're back in it just for the money and not helping customer's enjoy the game. Then you rolled out a new shot meter that no one likes and called it improved gameplay. Not to mention you made the Harden blitz cost 40 stamina, and you will need 100 of those collectables! But hey, you removed the 5 SD pack requirement to open the 40 stamina event (after saying it would be required prompting many to grind SD which is the most frustrating game mode in the app. So not only did a bunch of people needlessly use stamina to grind SD for 250K rep, but now those same people are asked to spend FORTY stamina for a 5 second event that spits out on average 2 tokens???

But hey, you gave us a "better" Harden with minimal effort (our feedback said we wanted an elite from the campaigns, by gosh there it is!) A Harden with stats that are marginally better than the one we grinded 100 tokens for last chapter. Not to mention, the old Harden is useless until we get more lineups lol.

Just shake it off, EA. You'll get it right one of these times, I'm certain of it.


Rookie 3
Maybe they are trying to change the gameplay by not relying more on 3s. Noticed as well that you will get only the perfect 20% if you are really wide open or have a good space. To be honest i don't have issue here so far. I can finish a quarter with only one or two 3 point attempt. Also, the opponents that i faced (maybe those who have the update as well) didn't put up a ridiculous margins against mine so i think that is lesss frustrating even if i lost. Well, not grinding sd for this week maybe until they improve the rewards so maybe that' why i am not that too concern, but i'll see how it will really be when i am on showdown grinding mode again.


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