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The New Shot Meter Sucks!

I really don't have an issue here. Are you going for diagonal passes?

no, just straight passes from my PG to PF or C. Sometimes I have to press pass button 5 times to make a pass

Yes, every once in a while the inbounder literally freezes and the pass button just won't work, lol. It can suck when you want to try to attack before their defense is totally set up (of course this can also require making a somewhat long pass, which this game isn't very forgiving with in the first place).


Pro 1
I really don't have an issue here. Are you going for diagonal passes?

no, just straight passes from my PG to PF or C. Sometimes I have to press pass button 5 times to make a pass

Yes, every once in a while the inbounder literally freezes and the pass button just won't work, lol. It can suck when you want to try to attack before their defense is totally set up (of course this can also require making a somewhat long pass, which this game isn't very forgiving with in the first place).

A delayed reaction of the inbounder after the opponent made a basket is something that also happens to me once in a while yes.

but if the ball is already in the PG's hand as Alex is reporting, that's not an issue I'm experiencing.

There are always the cases of spins and crossovers delaying the pass - as the player will complete the animation and only then pass. But other than that, I'm out of guesses.


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