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Storm & Surge Promos

Well, I like this Dwight card. I want him and I’m going all the way, getting 104 version. But prime Dwight Howard should not be 39, should be 12. Stats look good


Rookie 1
So this is the usual promo, like Bron vs Zion and Battle of LA, right? Given that it's 5 days long, one master should be attainable f2p.
One thing is different, though. The last blitz events, the 100 stamina ones, refresh once a day. I think it was twice a day in LeBron vs Zion. So this one might be a bit more difficult.


Rookie 1
This promo is ass, I already have 104 Howard and Shaq so this is just a massive waste of time, all the other cards have terrible stats compare to who I have now. And there’s no 105 card to play for, ea really screwed us over this time


Rookie 2
This promo is ass, I already have 104 Howard and Shaq so this is just a massive waste of time, all the other cards have terrible stats compare to who I have now. And there’s no 105 card to play for, ea really screwed us over this time

They have been doing that a few times this season, because promos are getting short (like 5 days type) so they cant keep on increasing ovr since it maxes at 110

so they make a promom where pay players get ahead, then a few promos for free players to catch up


Rookie 1
They have been doing that a few times this season, because promos are getting short (like 5 days type) so they cant keep on increasing ovr since it maxes at 110

so they make a promom where pay players get ahead, then a few promos for free players to catch up
Yea but I’m f2p and yet I’m still ahead, there’s literally no way for me to progress during this promo


Rookie 1
Since there’s the leaderboard and daily login rewards for 4 weeks, does that mean there will be a punch of “vs” promos for the next month?


All-Star 1
Why would they give Shaq and Dwight 104s when we literally got those cards the previous 2 promos
I’m not arguing with you as I’m also getting annoyed by the recycled promos let alone same positions AND players but at least these versions have team boost. Much better than no boost at all like the last versions. But like I said, yeah I’m sick of same promo, same positions and same players...fing EA is the epitome of laziness.


Pro 2
Not really sure who to get or even get anyone. Kinda pointless. And the key positions I need/want none of them pop out to me. Closest player is shaq but I already have a 103 ST center.


All-Star 1
Not really sure who to get or even get anyone. Kinda pointless. And the key positions I need/want none of them pop out to me. Closest player is shaq but I already have a 103 ST center.
But do you have a Street C with +4 block? Highest card I've seen with that is one of the new base 102s that dropped today.

I agree that it's a weak promo but if you can get Shaq for free, you should. Everyone should, if they do nothing else.


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