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Stamina from ADs....


Rookie 1
It's bull, I agree with jack_george, the new stamina events are a representation of how EA wants you to pay to be successful. They don't care much about us grinders. :/
I understand people are mad about the ads..... but saying "EA wants you to pay to be successful" is a little off with this promo, since there are not 8k-10k cash packs in the store with a guaranteed master.

I have 4.8 M coins. I could buy Cousins from AH, but I'm grinding him instead.


Rookie 1
So for those that play FIFA or MM, do they have working ads?

Yes, we get cash for ads on Madden Mobile. I don't care enough to watch videos on that game but they are alive and well, it stopped working for about a week. I get about 75-150 cash a day. 5 cash per ad.
First rule of Fight Club...

ads are still like Tyler Durden to me, an imaginary friend who never existed

Same here. It's like, every few days when they have to do maintenance mid day, there's someone at EA that forgets to keep ads turned off. So they will show up for one time that day, giving false hope. Only to find out that no matter what you do, the ads won't return, even 24 or 48 hours after the last viewing. No mention of a stamina event (but wouldn't shock me if we see one since they love giving those as a way to control the f2p base).


All-Star 1
There were special offers to finish the LNY Masters.

Yeah, except on the last day of the promo. :roll: And not having the specific offers available for more than a day was another blunder on their part. I mean how hard is it to figure out that people might actually spend money on the last day of a promo to complete a set that now they are 100% confident they will not complete otherwise?!


Rookie 1
There were special offers to finish the LNY Masters.

Yeah, except on the last day of the promo. :roll: And not having the specific offers available for more than a day was another blunder on their part. I mean how hard is it to figure out that people might actually spend money on the last day of a promo to complete a set that now they are 100% confident they will not complete otherwise?!

I had to purchase silver envelopes from the AH because I thought we would have 1 last day of packs for coins, the only packs I could buy with cash was $50.


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