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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the first season and the start of the second season


Pro 1
What's the perfect defense for when the AI decides to shoot fadeaway 3s? Or when the AI is simply determined to score and no amount of tapping steal or holding guard will stop them? What do you do?

My defense sure seemed fine the first minute of the match, but then what I just described happens.

For fadeaways - and basically any other shot - what we can do is to try to be as close as possible some it is a contested shot and not an open shot. If it's with little on the clock and you see the AI is going to shoot, go for the block. If the AI is doing cheeky dribbles there's no probably no point in tapping steal and you just stay in front pressing guard. And if a drive-animation starts, pressing block at the right time can be key.

I concede 15 once in a while as well, but it often includes a case of multiple quick 3s& miss while both teams are all over the place, AI rebounds and throws a long pass and there are no defenders between the opponent with the ball and the basket. So my problem there is forcing the high pace.


Pro 1
I've had some matches where the AI would make a shot, and it will say "Coach Bonus".

Also, does anyone know the rule of thumb for how it calculates lineup rating?

yeah I think that 'Coach bonus' feedback shouldn't be right. Don't bother with those. The AI feedback that matters more is the one that allows you to understand if it you allowed an open shot or contested well and it was lucky shot.

Regarding the overall rounding, my view is that each card isn't rounded, an 80 ovr card can enter that math as a 79.5 or an 80.4 for example, and then since we don't know those decimals of each card, we don't know how close you are to actually get to the desired franchise ovr in those dubious cases.


All-Star 1
I recently had a 796 that wouldn?t round to 80. Really pisses me off too because I spent some coin thinking I would get to 80. Next day built 80 Shaq and that did it but it?s ridiculous to me this formula is so complicated no one knows for sure how it works.
What's the perfect defense for when the AI decides to shoot fadeaway 3s? Or when the AI is simply determined to score and no amount of tapping steal or holding guard will stop them? What do you do?

My defense sure seemed fine the first minute of the match, but then what I just described happens.

For fadeaways - and basically any other shot - what we can do is to try to be as close as possible some it is a contested shot and not an open shot. If it's with little on the clock and you see the AI is going to shoot, go for the block. If the AI is doing cheeky dribbles there's no probably no point in tapping steal and you just stay in front pressing guard. And if a drive-animation starts, pressing block at the right time can be key.

I concede 15 once in a while as well, but it often includes a case of multiple quick 3s& miss while both teams are all over the place, AI rebounds and throws a long pass and there are no defenders between the opponent with the ball and the basket. So my problem there is forcing the high pace.

Thanks for the advice. I rarely give up 15 as well. I find that when I play defense the AI typically will just stall even with over a minute remaining. I'll try to steals but more times than not the AI just waits for me to make a mistake.
Just reached Legend and I?m sitting 189th with a day to go. I?ll make a push to stay in the top 400 if I can

Must be nice. I started yesterday at 322, and finished at 489. Currently 522. Not looking too good, and if this 79 SG that gets listed maybe once every 2 hours doesn't push me to 80 I'm gonna lose it!!!

3-4 days ago I was on pace for Legend AND at least top 500, and was top 250 at the time.
I recently had a 796 that wouldn?t round to 80. Really pisses me off too because I spent some coin thinking I would get to 80. Next day built 80 Shaq and that did it but it?s ridiculous to me this formula is so complicated no one knows for sure how it works.

Are you still without the bonus? Do you feel like being 80 is still leaps better than 79?
Lol this is crazy. I go 3 minutes without checking the AH and someone's listed and sold a 79 SG for 40 damned thousand! 3k too much for me to consider but wow.
Lol this is crazy. I go 3 minutes without checking the AH and someone's listed and sold a 79 SG for 40 damned thousand! 3k too much for me to consider but wow.

I dont think u shd spend the coin.. think u can get ur sd goals with a 79

I thought so, too, and then I fell from top 100 to now at 534. I was at a 77 or 78 when I was top 100. Matches got hander and I tried to upgrade to 78-79. Felt like it helped some, by I wasn't really gaining many fans. Out of 30 matches I'd win maybe 8. That would give a gain of 40k fans over that period. That's a lot of time (and stamina) spent for 40 k fans. It would get even worse, where I'd lose 8, win 1, lose 8 win 1 lose 8 win 1.

Finally reached 80 and I think there's a major difference already, but it's just one match. I'd have a good match every now and then at 79.
Lol this is crazy. I go 3 minutes without checking the AH and someone's listed and sold a 79 SG for 40 damned thousand! 3k too much for me to consider but wow.

I dont think u shd spend the coin.. think u can get ur sd goals with a 79

2-1 so far, with one win being the supposed rare double tie breaker. Only bummer is I had to trade the bonus for a higher OVR. If I can start to win like I did the first two days i may make it.


Rookie 1
The difficulty level goes up again beyond legend, it?s like I?m a 78/79 again vs 80/81?s. Few rebounds or steals and shots won?t drop. I?m going to be treading water to keep a ranking. I?ve used 360 stamina and gone up 40,000 fans.
The difficulty level goes up again beyond legend, it?s like I?m a 78/79 again vs 80/81?s. Few rebounds or steals and shots won?t drop. I?m going to be treading water to keep a ranking. I?ve used 360 stamina and gone up 40,000 fans.

Ehh, I may just call it, currently at 594. 272 spot drop in two and a half days
Haven't called it, yet, but just went 1-4, with the 1 win just now because I was finally allowed to make 68-69% shots. thanks for finally letting the shots fall EA, but I used all my stamina in those 5 games for a grand increase of 100 fans lol. Really is no point in going 1-4 without the bonus, but if I had the bonus I go back to 79 and probably go 0-5. Damned either way.
1, 483,000 and brick wall. lost 5 in a row...I didn't think I'd get this close based on where I was a day ago and now I'm about to fall 25K short. one last push in an hour.


All-Star 3
1, 483,000 and brick wall. lost 5 in a row...I didn't think I'd get this close based on where I was a day ago and now I'm about to fall 25K short. one last push in an hour.

Keep at it.. even though its sad were doing this to get an elite we cant sell...
finished at 1, 483, 000. 1-2 in last 3 matches. one of the losses was a tie break. my 62 vs their 63. gga.

edit, changed from "483" to current number since it looked like I meant rank which i sure as hell did not finish ranked 483.


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