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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the 12th season and the start of the 13th season

He was adamant no gameplay changes occurred but, with all due respect, I think he was misinformed. It's SUPER obvious that the AI misses more shots that they used to make consistently. Yes, the AI still goes on its runs, that hasn't changed, but after grinding SD the past week, today was an absolute breeze, and i'm talking from an AI perspective.

Matter of fact, since the update, I noticed that my teammates rarely, if at all, jump the passing lane for a steal and come up short like they used to.

All positive changes in my opinion, so no complaints from me. I do wish they maybe tested some of these things more rigorously....certain shots cause the shot meter and the shot button to "clash" because of how zoomed in the camera is (I've seen some say their camera is zoomed out, so apparently it varies from device/platform).


All-Star 3
He was adamant no gameplay changes occurred but, with all due respect, I think he was misinformed. It's SUPER obvious that the AI misses more shots that they used to make consistently. Yes, the AI still goes on its runs, that hasn't changed, but after grinding SD the past week, today was an absolute breeze, and i'm talking from an AI perspective.

Matter of fact, since the update, I noticed that my teammates rarely, if at all, jump the passing lane for a steal and come up short like they used to.

All positive changes in my opinion, so no complaints from me. I do wish they maybe tested some of these things more rigorously....certain shots cause the shot meter and the shot button to "clash" because of how zoomed in the camera is (I've seen some say their camera is zoomed out, so apparently it varies from device/platform).

Ya i did notice the ai missing more.. but my team missed some more 3s from the lower 3 pt shooting players though.. all in all i dont c any drastic change in gameplay.. but based on what has been said on this forum i guess this is the 'best' what they can do.. not a huge fan of slow mo in the middle of the game though.. stretches the quarter length by too much
He was adamant no gameplay changes occurred but, with all due respect, I think he was misinformed. It's SUPER obvious that the AI misses more shots that they used to make consistently. Yes, the AI still goes on its runs, that hasn't changed, but after grinding SD the past week, today was an absolute breeze, and i'm talking from an AI perspective.

Matter of fact, since the update, I noticed that my teammates rarely, if at all, jump the passing lane for a steal and come up short like they used to.

All positive changes in my opinion, so no complaints from me. I do wish they maybe tested some of these things more rigorously....certain shots cause the shot meter and the shot button to "clash" because of how zoomed in the camera is (I've seen some say their camera is zoomed out, so apparently it varies from device/platform).

Ya i did notice the ai missing more.. but my team missed some more 3s from the lower 3 pt shooting players though.. all in all i dont c any drastic change in gameplay.. but based on what has been said on this forum i guess this is the 'best' what they can do.. not a huge fan of slow mo in the middle of the game though.. stretches the quarter length by too much

I liked the slomo...at first, but then it started happening on blocks....no thanks. You can disable it in settings/ preferences
What?s going on with fan totals? I win my quarter and it says I win fans. I win the match and it says I win more fans but when I actually claim my fans they?re less than what the match total says?!

You get 25% of fans if you win your quarter, and 1k rep points. Then if you win the match you get the rest, 75% fans and 2k rep.
You only get 75% of the match total because you got that 25% earlier.


Rookie 1
He was adamant no gameplay changes occurred but, with all due respect, I think he was misinformed. It's SUPER obvious that the AI misses more shots that they used to make consistently. Yes, the AI still goes on its runs, that hasn't changed, but after grinding SD the past week, today was an absolute breeze, and i'm talking from an AI perspective.

Matter of fact, since the update, I noticed that my teammates rarely, if at all, jump the passing lane for a steal and come up short like they used to.

All positive changes in my opinion, so no complaints from me. I do wish they maybe tested some of these things more rigorously....certain shots cause the shot meter and the shot button to "clash" because of how zoomed in the camera is (I've seen some say their camera is zoomed out, so apparently it varies from device/platform).

Ya i did notice the ai missing more.. but my team missed some more 3s from the lower 3 pt shooting players though.. all in all i dont c any drastic change in gameplay.. but based on what has been said on this forum i guess this is the 'best' what they can do.. not a huge fan of slow mo in the middle of the game though.. stretches the quarter length by too much

I liked the slomo...at first, but then it started happening on blocks....no thanks. You can disable it in settings/ preferences

AI misses open shots but still drops contested shots almost every time, my previous showdown game i decided to push my defender back when AI attacks, and they just kept missing the open shot from 3, it was like a drill..Rebounding is still awful btw..

Edit: I tried this again, they didnt miss a single shot, Wilt dropped 2 :shock:


Rookie 1
This new SD seems ridiculous my 90 lineup has had two match ups against 83 OVR's so I should have a clear advantage.

First time I couldn't buy a bucket and their AI beat me by 3, top that off with him beating my AI by 12.

Second match against an 83, I eeked out a 7-6, win again couldn't buy a basket. Again they beat my AI by about 15.

I'm sorry but that's not realistic, it's complete and utter BS


All-Star 3
What?s going on with fan totals? I win my quarter and it says I win fans. I win the match and it says I win more fans but when I actually claim my fans they?re less than what the match total says?!

You get 25% of fans if you win your quarter, and 1k rep points. Then if you win the match you get the rest, 75% fans and 2k rep.
You only get 75% of the match total because you got that 25% earlier.
Any idea how it works in losses..
Is it possible to gain fans in a loss.. ie i think if i win by 10 i get 2k fans.. then if i lose i lose 1.8k so i gain 200 fans
Forfiet still leads to 8k fans loss.. thought they would fix that


All-Star 1
Yeah I was rolling all day and then needed one game to hit legend. Lost like 5 in a row. 2 of those losses resulted in me gaining fans, like 500 on one & 250 on the other. I think it works more in our favor now..... except for forfeits obv


All-Star 3
Yeah I was rolling all day and then needed one game to hit legend. Lost like 5 in a row. 2 of those losses resulted in me gaining fans, like 500 on one & 250 on the other. I think it works more in our favor now..... except for forfeits obv
Ok cool.. trying to reach legend only autoplaying in my alt


All-Star 1
What?s going on with fan totals? I win my quarter and it says I win fans. I win the match and it says I win more fans but when I actually claim my fans they?re less than what the match total says?!
Ya was waiting for someone to post.. really cant make head and tail out of it.. especially the losses.

There was a post on discord about it. I didn't look at it closely but someone responded that the math worked. Since I know the math doesn't work in many of my matches, I believe there is some sort of glitch in displaying the correct values. Stuff like this drives me nuts.


Pro 1
What's with the fan count?

I'm at Superstar level with just 173k fans. I started this season on Superstar, skipping levels and respective rewards. What gives?!


Pro 1
What's with the fan count?

I'm at Superstar level with just 173k fans. I started this season on Superstar, skipping levels and respective rewards. What gives?!

yeah we started with the fan count of pro - 100k but due to their mistake, they set us starting at superstar. so basically you had a road of 100k-200k without progress in the bar.

or if you did lose the first quarter, you'd be demoted and then no pack as you reached 200k.


Pro 1
What I don?t get is, there has to be a way they can ?make good? on their own mistake, right?

yeah should be easy for them to give a superstar pack to those who crossed the 200k bar if they want to.

i'm more curious about how they'll address the twisted AH 'discount' of the new pass.


All-Star 1
What I don?t get is, there has to be a way they can ?make good? on their own mistake, right?

yeah should be easy for them to give a superstar pack to those who crossed the 200k bar if they want to.

i'm more curious about how they'll address the twisted AH 'discount' of the new pass.
As you probably know, Waggoner alluded to an update on the 8th. My guess is some of these bugs can be fixed with maintenance while others are related to the app update.
According to Brian, next week bonus will be play with an specific lineup (balanced, shooting, defensive)

Heads up just in case someone sold all the players lmao.


All-Star 3
According to Brian, next week bonus will be play with an specific lineup (balanced, shooting, defensive)

Heads up just in case someone sold all the players lmao.
that will be fun .. as the number of teams with lower ovrs will increase,,but it all depends on what the christmas promo is going to be like with regards to stamina


Rookie 3
Main account - shooting 86, defensive 84, balance 84
Alt - shooting 83, defensive 85, balance 83
With magic only in promo (aside from weekly program players) my lineup won't upgrade on next week's sd.
How abou you guys? Checking if my lineups are competetive enough.


All-Star 1
I'm 87/86/86 (Sht/ def/ balance).. looks like I might have an easy time next week bc I dont think many have been putting work into gameplay lineups yet. It's relatively easy right now with an 89 NBA lineup. Should be cool to go against a variety of players instead of the same lineups of Harvest players


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