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Season 4 details


Rookie 2
actually, I am enjoying the 2 days break since s3 ended.

Its quite nice not having the tug in the mind, ie not worrying about beating the next person in the beta live arena, or in LvL and SD, or to achieve the goals in the promo...
So unicorn is just a wing 3 point clutch.. man the developers really spent some time on renaming things!
I have no motivation or excitement for S4. Maybe it's burnout or the lack of a major update but I've been playing COD like crazy and may just have a new favourite game. I dont know yet if i wanna repeat the same dunks, same dribbles, same events, same everything for a 4th straight season.
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Rookie 1
Do our opponent choose which line up they have to play in League vs league or EA automatically chooses the highest overall lineup for us? thx in adv.


Rookie 1
I have problem with chapyer 3
Cant see it and cant play events :(
Missing icons

Am I alone?


  • Screenshot_20191016-002519_NBA Live.jpg
    Screenshot_20191016-002519_NBA Live.jpg
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Do our opponent choose which line up they have to play in League vs league or EA automatically chooses the highest overall lineup for us? thx in adv.
Either everyone's highest overall lineup is sharpshooter in the tournament I'm in or they made the sharpshooter one your default lineup


Rookie 1
Either everyone's highest overall lineup is sharpshooter in the tournament I'm in or they made the sharpshooter one your default lineup

It does seems like every single one you play against is Sharpshooter..... lucky for me i prioritized Sharpshooter, imagine someone choosing a different lineup as their main one and realized EA is setting Sharpshooter as a default. damnnnn thats not good at all.

Thanks again, much appreciated :)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It does seems like every single one you play against is Sharpshooter..... lucky for me i prioritized Sharpshooter, imagine someone choosing a different lineup as their main one and realized EA is setting Sharpshooter as a default. damnnnn thats not good at all.

Thanks again, much appreciated :)
You're welcome I prioritized it as well luckily


All-Star 1
A 70 just went +20 against our 76 in lvl. Anyone played their quarters yet to know how it compares to Sd or lvl in s3?


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