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Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread

Rebounding is the worst thing, there no need to skill anymore, since of course I can't get my superstar doncic to drop a 3 open but of course a open C with 39 3pt stat drop one and lost a showdown match, and what i supposed to do with all the S3 players? Quick sell them just to get a 70 ovr gold? BS, nais ea
Am I right in thinking I shouldn't complete Power Ranking Ch 2 just yet since I won't have access to the daily GOTN event anymore?


Rookie 1
Am I right in thinking I shouldn't complete Power Ranking Ch 2 just yet since I won't have access to the daily GOTN event anymore?

nah... I completed all and even sold my ch2 key. Still can play it but I found no reason to waste stamina for that.... to get Giannis? Haha by the time we get that 78 Giannis, the card has no value unless you keen to spend some cash to by shards if applicable.


Pro 2
Has anyone won a season championship? I know it's supposed to be harder but how the heck does the opponent make 90%+ their shots? Like wth? Made it to the semi finals twice now after grinding all season (season is nearly easy compared to playoffs) but it's like all my shots including layups just do not go in. Lost both semi finals by least 4 points. Also besides the leveling up achievements when are more achievements going to come, like win 5 championships stuff like that.


All-Star 1
Has anyone won a season championship? I know it's supposed to be harder but how the heck does the opponent make 90%+ their shots? Like wth? Made it to the semi finals twice now after grinding all season (season is nearly easy compared to playoffs) but it's like all my shots including layups just do not go in. Lost both semi finals by least 4 points. Also besides the leveling up achievements when are more achievements going to come, like win 5 championships stuff like that.
I've won 2 as a 77/78 SS lineup. Closest match thus far was my Conference Finals match in season 2. Had to hit a desperation 3 with 1.8s left on the full court inbound. Luckily, they seem to have fixed the clock starting prematurely. I went on to win the championship by 25. I've found if I play all 4 quarters manually there's not much of an issue but if I autoplay just one quarter then I'm down double digits easily.


Pro 2
I've won 2 as a 77/78 SS lineup. Closest match thus far was my Conference Finals match in season 2. Had to hit a desperation 3 with 1.8s left on the full court inbound. Luckily, they seem to have fixed the clock starting prematurely. I went on to win the championship by 25. I've found if I play all 4 quarters manually there's not much of an issue but if I autoplay just one quarter then I'm down double digits easily.
I play all 4qtrs too. Do u go for layups n dunks or 3 all day? I'm playing with my SS till I get 45 wins then my best team.


Rookie 1
I play all 4qtrs too. Do u go for layups n dunks or 3 all day? I'm playing with my SS till I get 45 wins then my best team.

Literally just won my first of 3 (and I am not a strong gamer) -- agree you have to play manually -- and conservatively. Playing the inside game, work the clock. Got much easier for me once I leveled up my SS a bit and got the 82PF from the campaign.


Pro 2
Literally just won my first of 3 (and I am not a strong gamer) -- agree you have to play manually -- and conservatively. Playing the inside game, work the clock. Got much easier for me once I leveled up my SS a bit and got the 82PF from the campaign.
My SS consist of the 80 curry (season 3s great, playoff 3s horrible) then roughly 73-80 players. With xp boost, Zion and zoncic as my big 3 and I just do layups and dunks if I can for playoffs with the corner clutch. But idk
I mainly go for dunks or layups at this stage of the season. I try to score in transition since it's difficult to score in the half court with these low rated players. You have to run the right angle, however, or you end up making contact with the defender. Anytime I get a stop, whether it's a block, steal or rebound, I throw an outlet pass and try to score from a fast break.

I used my Lockdown lineup. Now that you only need one steal to unlock Kawhi's ability, it's a bit silly, Yesterday, I unlocked his ability three times in a row from the inbounds pass. I don't get why they changed the two steal requirement.
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