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Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


Rookie 1
Yes unless they let a random customer rep take care of it since they don't have the power to give you your coins back they have records of transactions for everyone's accounts that they can look through to make sure you aren't lying

Hope result is positive.


Rookie 1
Yeah, most of the high ranked New York/New Jersey guys from that event aren't actionable.
If you dont need them, save them for later trades.
Is it just me or does everyone else have about 30+ cards that you cant auction or put into sets making them worthless and either sit on your bench or sell them for ~ 1k?


All-Star 1
I don't think it's an issue, it's just stating you've got the maximum points you can use for the warm up events which is the events with a silver witches hat/traffic cone looking thing and the NBA logo tokens in Power Rankings.
The pics are from the same time. I only have 920 warmup pts but the objectives screen says I’m maxed.


Rookie 2
I just hate when my player makes a layup, falls on the ground dramatically, and then the opposing point guard gets a wide open three and makes it.


Rookie 2
The pics are from the same time. I only have 920 warmup pts but the objectives screen says I’m maxed.
That has been an issue since start of season. At season start. My lvl mate spam used it thinking it's not reducing til he realized he run out of warm up points.

Once you fill it to 1k it won't go back again


Rookie 2
I probably have complained about this. But I find it annoying Everytime I search in lvl.

When you search. They will show you like 20 other similar user id who haven't played for weeks. But you can't find the guy you are looking for.

Also they haven't fixed the scouting


Rookie 1
My game is running very good playing every types of games but opening pack and change squad players is very slow. Is the anything that I can do to improve that?
I am running the game on a Oneplus 3T


Rookie 2
Bruh in my league tournament I have 27 points and a freaking -28 point differential. I’ve played both matches and have had 2 matches played against me. Like bruh. There’s no way my team is that bad on AI. 👎👎 the league we were facing had all 103’s but still. I had a 9 differential before having those matching played against me. That means my opponents beat me for a combined 37 points.


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