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Season 4 Bug/Glitch Thread


Rookie 3
Anyone successfully can get Luka free around his clutch 3 point by going left and right with going out of bounce? I can hold the 2 point line and do it all day if I go back and do that with 3 point second step back to long side he gets called out of bounce.


All-Star 1
Anyone successfully can get Luka free around his clutch 3 point by going left and right with going out of bounce? I can hold the 2 point line and do it all day if I go back and do that with 3 point second step back to long side he gets called out of bounce.
I’ve noticed the out of bounds call happens more if I’m not holding the drive/run button. I haven’t had an issue with Luka clutch but usually I’m sprinting to the spot.


Rookie 1
Glad to see Sharpshooters Campaign is back. However after playing them.. just realized in SETS there is no Sharpshooter Exchange?


Pro 2
Glad to see Sharpshooters Campaign is back. However after playing them.. just realized in SETS there is no Sharpshooter Exchange?
Yup. I even had like 3 from the first time around and I was like sweet I get to do the set again.... Got my Hope's up for nothing.... and in 2 weeks? they will do the same with lockdown, then streets....


Rookie 2
Well, I asked EA about it and instead of responding they did this
What's wrong with those guys?
This is not right...

As a matter of fact, Gervin is an African American.
So, it can be seen as the 83 version 'fixes' something wrong in the 80 version...
If I remember correctly, in past NBALM seasons Gervin was always a dark skin card and on court.



Rookie 2
The warm-up points on mine on the objectives always show 1000. But when I play sharp shooters challenge it's only at 900


Rookie 3
What's wrong with those guys?
This is not right...

As a matter of fact, Gervin is an African American.
So, it can be seen as the 83 version 'fixes' something wrong in the 80 version...
If I remember correctly, in past NBALM seasons Gervin was always a dark skin card and on court.

View attachment 3135
So is this guy. I agree that it's inexcusable, but EA doesn't seem to give a damn. Maybe if we ask the players themselves what they think about it?


Rookie 3
Another day, another bullshit bug. The Blitzes in the new part of the campaign don't renew the first win bonuses..

There literally hasn't been a single thing added to the game without a screwup. Not one.


  • Screenshot_20191112_012317_com.ea.gp.nbamobile.jpg
    173.1 KB · Views: 312


All-Star 1
Another day, another bullshit bug. The Blitzes in the new part of the campaign don't renew the first win bonuses..

There literally hasn't been a single thing added to the game without a screwup. Not one.
Hmmm, they reset for me. Did you play the blitz already by going through the segment with Zion? They're the same, NOT separate blitz events. So if you do first wins on one segment, they won't be available in the other.


Rookie 3
Hmmm, they reset for me. Did you play the blitz already by going through the segment with Zion? They're the same, NOT separate blitz events. So if you do first wins on one segment, they won't be available in the other.
Dub is right. Same blitz next time do Zion ones and other will be same time frame.


Rookie 3
Hmmm, they reset for me. Did you play the blitz already by going through the segment with Zion? They're the same, NOT separate blitz events. So if you do first wins on one segment, they won't be available in the other.
That must be it, thanks! Weird that they would do that though


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