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Season 3 Bug/Glitch Thread


Rookie 1
100% shooting glitch with last content update!

I played my drives in the tournament and at first I thought they got a new shot meter cuz my circle small and green for every player and I think every player has a full blue meter now, but I guess this must be that glitch ppl been talkin about. Lol I wrecked shop tho.


Rookie 3
who comes in to work on a sunday and sends ANYTHING out
you ALWAYS wait till monday morning to do a final check LOL
1st S3 compensation packs are a comin'!! :D :D


Pro 1
So this is what it feels like being a beta tester, hmm? Lol

(I finally got past the Suns Off Movers event and this is clearly a bug they?ll want to fix soon. So, I?m not complaing: just trying to have fun.)
So this is what it feels like being a beta tester, hmm? Lol

(I finally got past the Suns Off Movers event and this is clearly a bug they?ll want to fix soon. So, I?m not complaing: just trying to have fun.)

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

At least some good has come from this debacle
AI has decided many times that shooting a 3 with Shaq is a good idea. My whole team is in the paint and still can't get the rebound!!!

Even though this is supremely a trainwreck, I really hope that this was at least an attempt at fixing certain issues. The AI is nerfed it seems (probably too much, but they still never miss scoring with contact or any layups). Rebounding is still HORRIBLE, which some may argue is/was/has always been one of the biggest issues in this game. The game would become tenfold better if they just allowed users to finish good defensive possession with a defensive rebound.

I feel like someone knew they were getting fired and decided to do this...thing.


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