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Rookies Promo (NBA Awards copy & paste)


All-Star 3
Both gold players they give you are base players.
once removed from the lineup, they cannot be put back on.

all it takes is pressing the BEST Lineup button once and this is done automatically and there is no way to reverse it.
U can put them back.. Just checked... 75 lopez and tt


Rookie 1
U can put them back.. Just checked... 75 lopez and tt

I guess i can't do anything until the auction house opens up again.
In my boredom due to AH being closed i traded some solver and gold cards for sets.
I guess the cards needed were among them.

Just another way for EA to drop the ball.

My invenotry is filled with untradables but EA had to use for the event the most common cards that people typically get rid off without second though.


Rookie 1
I picked Carsten Edwards in the summer league standout group. Any idea when he will be playable in the evolution lineup?he can upgrade to 108


Rookie 1

The disrespect!! Lol!!

Even my 107 Admiral still taking the starting spot over 108 Ayton...Ayton couldnt even make my bench as the "Best Lineup" thingy picks 108 Hakeem over him...This a bug or what??


Rookie 3
Anyone else notice that the player bonus isn't working?

I have five players with a 10% boost in my lineup, but don't get a single point extra as of today.


Rookie 1
Ok, but I still can’t put him in my evolution lineup. Will that come later?

You should be able to add him on Sunday.

Players for Evolution lineup are only allowed to be placed on them after their event ends.
Similarly you can't add Westbrook in the evolution lineup until the event is over at the end of the month.


Rookie 3
Only 24K until I get Iverson. Shelling out the coins for Doncic today was definitely worth it.

This is the first promo where I earn the final master.


  • Screenshot_20190912_232848.jpg
    223.1 KB · Views: 367


All-Star 1
Only 24K until I get Iverson. Shelling out the coins for Doncic today was definitely worth it.

This is the first promo where I earn the final master.
That's awesome, congrats! Zion and Iverson seem pretty good and I like the stat boosts.

This was one of the better promos for me bc I pulled Doncic from the BOB pack & I NEVER hit the jackpot on those. Bought Griffin too and was cruising through the promo so i sold Doncic for 5 mil several days ago and Im still on track to hit the very last milestone by tomorrow. 2000 cash & $1.99 got me 3 masters w boost and 5 mil. Really nice way to wind down the season


Rookie 3
That's awesome, congrats! Zion and Iverson seem pretty good and I like the stat boosts.

This was one of the better promos for me bc I pulled Doncic from the BOB pack & I NEVER hit the jackpot on those. Bought Griffin too and was cruising through the promo so i sold Doncic for 5 mil several days ago and Im still on track to hit the very last milestone by tomorrow. 2000 cash & $1.99 got me 3 masters w boost and 5 mil. Really nice way to wind down the season
That is really lucky. I had to spend 3.2M on Doncic and 260K on Griffin. I doubt I'll get more than 2M for him when I put him up for auction tomorrow.

I kept one of the upgrade tokens. Used one for Zion, and bought Ayton for 550K, while I traded my non upgraded Ayton for points towards Kawhi.

108 Zion, 109 Iverson and 110 Kawhi. Not a bad return for these past three days of grinding!


Pro 1
Only 24K until I get Iverson. Shelling out the coins for Doncic today was definitely worth it.

This is the first promo where I earn the final master.
Nice, I’m regretting not buying the Doncic I saw sitting for 30 seconds the first day and going for AI. To be fair, work probably would have prevented me from doing so anyway. Only managed 130k this promo.


Rookie 1
Is a AI worth the 3k nba cash? (1k for 15k points and 2k for 10k points).

Im gonna be outta town this weekend which coincides the last 2 days of this promo, im not sure if id be able to secure a stable connection and because of that, i wanna fast track my progress to AI and buy the points needed...Thanks...


All-Star 3
Is a AI worth the 3k nba cash? (1k for 15k points and 2k for 10k points).

Im gonna be outta town this weekend which coincides the last 2 days of this promo, im not sure if id be able to secure a stable connection and because of that, i wanna fast track my progress to AI and buy the points needed...Thanks...
Doubt it.. No ability too.. But going for full price right now in the ah.


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