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PvP beta and update details


All-Star 1
I am not a fan of this. I can't seem to D up on anyone. They're blocking the shit out of me but Everytime I have a beauty block....the shooting animation stutters for a split second and they launch a late shot....and make it. Not any fun whatsoever.


Rookie 1
I am not a fan of this. I can't seem to D up on anyone. They're blocking the shit out of me but Everytime I have a beauty block....the shooting animation stutters for a split second and they launch a late shot....and make it. Not any fun whatsoever.

Not sure if it's a late shot or simply the lag.
I've had too many shots so far that were too late because when shooting with lag, the game doesn't read the release in time.
I would leave the button and would see the shooting meter keep rising to the very top and throwing a late shot.
Blocking seems to lag too.
I've noticed the same behavior happening to my opponents where most of their shots were late.

Someone seems to have realized it and almost beat me with a 106 OVR team by exclusively going for dunks and my team for some reason unable to contest or challenge any of them.
Only in the last 30 seconds when i decided to use my PG to guard the rim was i able to stop him.
Also switching players button is absent which makes it impossible to properly control my defenders.


Pro 1
Tried out 1 game. Horrible experience.

Won 14-12. Just out of luck. Playing against another human in real time is not fun. The pace of the game is too fast. Had a PG Ming in my face all the time, which was just an annoyance, but the game revolved around using my abilities since the other shots either miss (shoot button does not respond well) or get blocked.

Totally unrealistic game-play.


Rookie 1
Played about 10 games so far.
It's just terrible with all the lag.

There should be a rule in matching that if your opponents ping is much higher than yours you shouldn't be matched.

My ping is about 20ms

I keep playing with people with terrible ping time and they game is just a continuous stater.

I'm a 109 and i just lost to a 104 ovr. It seems there is almost no way to stop lower OVR teams from dunking on you even with 115 blockers. most shots are late shots. timing blocks is near impossible. can't manually switch player so it's whoever the AI decides you should be using as defense.

I lost that game because in the final seconds of the game while i had the ball with a +2 advantage, I was just running the clock and next thing i know the opponent shoots for 3........

Just terrible.
If anything it makes me want to play this even less.


Pro 1
Played about 10 games so far.
It's just terrible with all the lag.

There should be a rule in matching that if your opponents ping is much higher than yours you shouldn't be matched.

My ping is about 20ms

I keep playing with people with terrible ping time and they game is just a continuous stater.

I'm a 109 and i just lost to a 104 ovr. It seems there is almost no way to stop lower OVR teams from dunking on you even with 115 blockers. most shots are late shots. timing blocks is near impossible. can't manually switch player so it's whoever the AI decides you should be using as defense.

I lost that game because in the final seconds of the game while i had the ball with a +2 advantage, I was just running the clock and next thing i know the opponent shoots for 3........

Just terrible.
If anything it makes me want to play this even less.
The only game I played I faced a PG Ming that went for the dunk every single time. I blocked him every time I remained cool enough to just keep holding down the defense button. (I'm a 110 and I don't know my opponent's ovr... when I looked down the game was already on.)

EDIT: my opponent was a 109
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Pro 2
It’s a novelty right now. Clutches anywhere but the corners almost impossible w the lag. Let’s see how it plays out over time. Right now it’s pretty much a mess. Pretty sure Dub beat me. By 1.


Rookie 1
Just played a 104ovr with very little lag.

I was beating him by 6 points a minute left.

He disconnected and my ping time then just jumped to above 100ms
Had to play against the AI for the remaining minute amongt all the lag and only with a clutch shot at the end was I able to win the game.


All-Star 1
Idk why but it really pisses me off how un-fun it is. If they can't get manual switching back in(at the very least)....they just wasted a butt-load of time, energy, and $ on this....

Idk, stuff like the emoji & whatnot..... there's absolutely no time for any of that during the game. Also, I know it's just a Beta....but they're using us as Guinea Pigs to test this out...... How come all the milestone rewards are utter garbage? The coin prizes are all 20k. Might as well just not have any rewards. There are 7 weeks left, they're obviously jobbing us with AH caps to drain our bank. Why continually stick it to us?


All-Star 1
Also, I thought this was a nice middle finger from EA as I struggled through my first match..... I got hit with a BACKCOURT VIOLATION. 3 years in, the only time I've seen it has been in 3v3. Can't put it in other modes and all of a sudden we have actual rules in Arena mode?


All-Star 1
I have what appears to be a solid connection but the frame rate is so screwy. Goes from slow & buggy to superfast players timewarping all over. I keep getting players stuck in their clutch spot, picked up their dribble but I can never block it. Even though I'm standing right up against them with my thumb on the guard button or the block button.

Also after playing PVP I went and played my LVL quarters and it was laggy AF. I saw someone else say the same thing happened to them. Idk. Trainwreck right now.


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