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Presents List Thread


Rookie 3
Staff member
I'm one of the unlucky ones who had nothing but gold presents... some coin packs.. some wildcard legend tokens and a few flash backs.
I'm one of the unlucky ones who had nothing but gold presents... some coin packs.. some wildcard legend tokens and a few flash backs.
The fact that you are not alone just shows how terrible presents have been this year. Pull rates were extremely low, we had no way of grinding for them like past seasons and no coin or rep packs. Then even if you do manage to pull a couple elite gifts like myself they turn into a worthless 86ovr or another gift for the next day which again is another 86ovr. And we got Brian on twitter gloating how his given us free stuff and people still like to complain like we should appreciative of this poo they've given us!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm one of the unlucky ones who had nothing but gold presents... some coin packs.. some wildcard legend tokens and a few flash backs.
The fact that you are not alone just shows how terrible presents have been this year. Pull rates were extremely low, we had no way of grinding for them like past seasons and no coin or rep packs. Then even if you do manage to pull a couple elite gifts like myself they turn into a worthless 86ovr or another gift for the next day which again is another 86ovr. And we got Brian on twitter gloating how his given us free stuff and people still like to complain like we should appreciative of this poo they've given us!

The top notch presents are better then years past by far but other than that they've sucked but I thought that Brian gloating by saying "presents have been good to me" with a lineup of a few ghosts was so stupid he is the lead content designer he knows what's in the presents and he has a bunch of 90 SD cards that he certainly didn't grind for because no dev for this game plays enough to do that legitimately and devs for any game can get whatever they want seeing him gloat about beating teams with 5 less overall by a measly 8 points is hilarious that devs are out of touch and refuse constructive criticism

That being said I love the ghost presents
I'm one of the unlucky ones who had nothing but gold presents... some coin packs.. some wildcard legend tokens and a few flash backs.
The fact that you are not alone just shows how terrible presents have been this year. Pull rates were extremely low, we had no way of grinding for them like past seasons and no coin or rep packs. Then even if you do manage to pull a couple elite gifts like myself they turn into a worthless 86ovr or another gift for the next day which again is another 86ovr. And we got Brian on twitter gloating how his given us free stuff and people still like to complain like we should appreciative of this poo they've given us!

The top notch presents are better then years past by far but other than that they've sucked but I thought that Brian gloating by saying "presents have been good to me" with a lineup of a few ghosts was so stupid he is the lead content designer he knows what's in the presents and he has a bunch of 90 SD cards that he certainly didn't grind for because no dev for this game plays enough to do that legitimately and devs for any game can get whatever they want seeing him gloat about beating teams with 5 less overall by a measly 8 points is hilarious that devs are out of touch and refuse constructive criticism

That being said I love the ghost presents
Lol yeah that "presents has been good to me" tweet pissed me off! I saw it after pulling 2 86 Luol Dengs in a row and was about to go off. Luckily I smoked and calmed down before tweeting a big 'F' you. Past seasons even when we got tokens from presents, we got them in bunches. Now 1 silver or gold present gives only 1 token and if your lucky an elite player. I agree that the ghosts have been awesome for those few able to pull one from a present but everything else has been trash. I shouldn't complain though when so many people didnt even get an elite present.


Rookie 1
I had one elite present and got a freaking 82 Frozen Jonathan Isaac lmao what a shit gift.
I mostly had elevate tokens in golds too.


Rookie 1
not a single elite present despite having stacked up bonus packs prior and opening 35 of them...bleh..

guess did relatively ok from gold presents, got AD, Scary Terry and masked kyrie


Rookie 1
Just managed to work my way up from a silver to an elite present for today, put it up for 550k. Not wasting this present.


Rookie 1
not a single elite present despite having stacked up bonus packs prior and opening 35 of them...bleh..

guess did relatively ok from gold presents, got AD, Scary Terry and masked kyrie

wow...0/35... I was just thinking about opening them. I think i got 60+. Is it worth opening?... Or is there experience from other people?


Rookie 1
I had a bit of better luck with presents, pulled a 90 Winter Hassan out of a gold one.

I managed to snipe yesterday's rare elite and pulled Drummond, but you guys are corrects, they should have made the usual elite better pulls than a card that is worth 60k.
Brian advice to go for the rare elite presents was great.

I pulled Ghost Markkanen today. Snipped this rare elite present for 400k a few days ago XD

Wow. Best xmas ever.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
not a single elite present despite having stacked up bonus packs prior and opening 35 of them...bleh..

guess did relatively ok from gold presents, got AD, Scary Terry and masked kyrie

wow...0/35... I was just thinking about opening them. I think i got 60+. Is it worth opening?... Or is there experience from other people?

I pulled the crappy 12/24 elite present on 12/23 from a bonus pack I have been opening my bonus packs I get throughout this promo


Pro 1
silver.. into gold 1... into gold 2.. INTO elte..... into.. 87 AD....

Yeah you got BSed I pulled 87 AD and Scary Terry out of gold presents alone
Lol still better than my trash today; Elite present for 24th.....into elite present for 25th....into elite present for 26th....pulled a 84 Ben Wallace! :|On my second elite present I pulled 86 I.T.

I don?t even bother with the common elites, it?s mostly garbage. I only open the rare ones because they?re guaranteed ghost cards


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The fact that you are not alone just shows how terrible presents have been this year. Pull rates were extremely low, we had no way of grinding for them like past seasons and no coin or rep packs. Then even if you do manage to pull a couple elite gifts like myself they turn into a worthless 86ovr or another gift for the next day which again is another 86ovr. And we got Brian on twitter gloating how his given us free stuff and people still like to complain like we should appreciative of this poo they've given us!

The top notch presents are better then years past by far but other than that they've sucked but I thought that Brian gloating by saying "presents have been good to me" with a lineup of a few ghosts was so stupid he is the lead content designer he knows what's in the presents and he has a bunch of 90 SD cards that he certainly didn't grind for because no dev for this game plays enough to do that legitimately and devs for any game can get whatever they want seeing him gloat about beating teams with 5 less overall by a measly 8 points is hilarious that devs are out of touch and refuse constructive criticism

That being said I love the ghost presents
Lol yeah that "presents has been good to me" tweet pissed me off! I saw it after pulling 2 86 Luol Dengs in a row and was about to go off. Luckily I smoked and calmed down before tweeting a big 'F' you. Past seasons even when we got tokens from presents, we got them in bunches. Now 1 silver or gold present gives only 1 token and if your lucky an elite player. I agree that the ghosts have been awesome for those few able to pull one from a present but everything else has been trash. I shouldn't complain though when so many people didnt even get an elite present.

People voiced their displeasure with the presents by calling them trash which caused Brian to leave Discord earlier lmfao we can't voice frustration anymore


Rookie 1
Does anyone have a picture of the rare one?

I had three elites

84 Ben Wallace
86 IT
84 sprewell lol.

It?s a bit shocking. Could?ve sold for 1.5m which I wish I did, but never mind.

Would be good to see how the rare ones look if u can post a pic guys?

Yeah, sorry Brian. Presents are really bad. Pathetic and no way to grind for anything

On the other hand 3 93s is good from the promo, so can?t be all doom n gloom!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Does anyone have a picture of the rare one?

I had three elites

84 Ben Wallace
86 IT
84 sprewell lol.

It?s a bit shocking. Could?ve sold for 1.5m which I wish I did, but never mind.

Would be good to see how the rare ones look if u can post a pic guys?

Yeah, sorry Brian. Presents are really bad. Pathetic and no way to grind for anything

On the other hand 3 93s is good from the promo, so can?t be all doom n gloom!

The rare ones along with the other ones are in the 1st post of the thread along with what the presents give


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