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Presents List Thread


Rookie 1
Re: A Cool Pull!

Congrats!! Thats a good Christmas Presents!!! Lucky hahaha

Could you give a bit details on his Clutch Ability? is it similar to other season where u can shoot 2 Clutch shots in one drive? #jealous hhah


Rookie 1
One of my leaguemates said he opened an elite present that contained a gold present. Pretty messed up.

EDIT: Nevermind, this was a miscommunication. It was actually the other way around.


Rookie 1
Re: A Cool Pull!

Congrats!! Thats a good Christmas Presents!!! Lucky hahaha

Could you give a bit details on his Clutch Ability? is it similar to other season where u can shoot 2 Clutch shots in one drive? #jealous hhah

Thanks bro! Sadly tho, he only has one clutch shot


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Is it worth it to buy today's present, the one with stripes? It's been instasold whenever pops up.

No as that is an elite program player or present I was byrned twice by buying it along with using the one I pulled I ended up with 81 Winter Nurkic, 86 Winter Kanter, and 84 Halloween Sprewell while other have pulled 90+ players or other presents
The game changers didn't open the Christmas Day gifts so you'll have to wait until the sets appear. You should know within a few minutes if you should open or sell.


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